Code of Ethics – Salus Inc

Company Overview

At Salus Inc., we provide nutritious food products to the healthy and budget-conscious clients. The success of the business entirely revolves around our ability to fulfil the needs of clients by serving hale and hearty meals, which have been prepared following both the traditional and modern cooking methods. The restaurant uses fresh vegetables as part of its main ingredients to meet the tastes and preferences of clients at pocket-friendly prices. The vision is to connect our clients to rich dining experiences through good meals while the mission is to utilize fresh ingredients in making nutritious food and to help consumers to meet their goals of living healthy and strong. As an organization, we aspire to attain the highest possible standards of professional conduct so as to build a good rapport and to be admired by our clients. This code sets forth the principles and standards that we expect will guide our employees, managers, and stakeholders in achieving both the present and future objectives.  


All members to whom this code applies are expected to uphold integrity in all their undertakings relating to their responsibilities within the organization regardless of the benefits that might be associated with acting otherwise. We aspire to rule out any incident where any member will feel the need to succumb to corruption due to its adverse effects on the ethical standards we aspire to maintain in all our operations. Additionally, all members are advised against creating a hostile work environment through the use of threats intimidation, blackmail or coercion and any other action meant to undercut individual integrity.

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Salus Inc. will actively observe fair business practices within the restaurant industry, duplicate and improve on them in order to outperform our competitors. It is our aim to uphold the principles of fair competitive practice within our organization and consider aspects of distributive and procedural fairness before the execution of any competitive strategy.  As such, no member to whom this code applies should solicit any confidential information or take any initiatives aimed at getting an unfair edge over our competitors.

Discrimination and Harassment

Every employee and client at Salus Inc. shall be treated with dignity and respect. All decisions related to hiring, training, promotions, benefits and transfers shall be made with zero regard for nationality, race, color, religion, age, disability status and/or marital status. Any employee that engages in any discriminatory practice may be subject to sanctions such as written warnings, paid leave, unpaid leave, termination and or legal action depending on the degree of the violation. No member of Salus Inc. shall use his/her power or authority to influence whether positively or negatively the outcome of any decision making process within the organization in favour of, or against any individual within the organization.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Every Salus employee has a legal obligation to comply with state and federal laws and regulations not only to fulfil their duties as a citizen but also because any involvement in criminal activity might reflect negatively upon the image of the organization and tarnish the reputation for honesty, integrity and trustworthiness that we aim to cultivate in all our undertakings.[A3]  Additionally, while members of this organization are guaranteed complete autonomy over their personal affairs, they should refrain from engaging in behavior that might damage personal and organizational image. This is of particular importance especially with regard to; abuse of drugs and alcohol, violent conduct, domestic violence, intimate partner violence and intimate relationships within the workplace.

Trustworthiness/Safeguarding Confidential Information

All non-public information regarding this organization, its employees and suppliers is strictly confidential and must not be disclosed without proper authorization from relevant authorities and stakeholders. Any individual entrusted with information of this kind must use it for its intended purpose and keep it confidential to the extents permitted by law. [A4] To reiterate the value of the trustworthy employee, Salus Inc. will include employee trustworthiness in our annual appraisals and reward employees who display the highest level of integrity when entrusted with confidential information.

External Communications

Salus Inc. aims to uphold the principles of transparency in its duties as a public reporting company. As such, the company will subscribe to the best practices and legal requirements relating to external communication and public disclosure. However, members to whom this code applies are advised to always obtain approval for all interviews, press releases and requests to access Salus Inc. premises by public reporting bodies through the stipulated chain of command.

Reporting Unethical Behavior

Every member to whom this code applies is responsible for providing comprehensive and timely information of all matters related to the affairs of the organization to his/her immediate supervisor. Furthermore, all members are expected to exercise candour and full cooperation in internal investigations relating to violations of this code.[A5]  Additionally, any staff member who has any interest in any matter that may impinge his/her capacity to maintain impartiality in any such investigation should declare this conflict at the beginning of the investigation to exclude himself/herself from questioning.

Ethical decision making

Ethics are standards of behavior that determine how human beings should act in specific situations. Ethical decision making involves utilizing these standards of behavior to make ethically sound decisions. Ethical decisions typically involve the existence of an ethical conflict within the individual. This conflict can be between two or more ethical objectives or can involve opposing ethical and pragmatic objectives. Ethical decision making provides an avenue for the solution of such conflict. Individuals must learn to perform cognitive evaluations of their decisions and integrate results from this evaluation to intuitive feelings experienced as a result of their inherent emotional reaction to an ethical conflict through the application of a sound ethical decision making framework . To apply ethical decision making to daily activities, one must first examine existing ethical approaches and how they relate to decision making.


Utilitarian philosophical approaches to decision making typically dictate that a decision is right if it maximizes the welfare of all everyone involved. Deontological approaches emphasize the adherence to a code of conduct for its own sake (Van Staveren, 2007). According to this theory, any decision that violates existing laws and regulations would be unethical. The rights approach describes an ethical action as that which best protects the moral rights of everyone involved while the Justice approach places emphasis on the need to treat all human beings equally or fairly based on a justifiable standard (Lehnert, Craft, Singh, & Park, 2016). The virtue approach allows the decision-makers own sense of right and wrong determine the best course of action while the common good approach maintains that all ethical decisions have to result to the best possible outcome for everyone involved and not just selected individuals.

Decision Making Framework

Using only one of these approaches may not be effective in making ethical decisions due to the ethical loopholes contained in each of them. For instance, adopting a total utilitarian approach to decision making may exacerbate ethical conflict especially in situations where all options available will minimize the welfare of those involved (Chell, Spence, Perrini, & Harris, 2016).  When presented with a fairly new ethical issue, employees must recognize the ethical issue involved. It may be beneficial to ask gather information such as; whether there is a choice between good and bad, find out any legal implications involved in any of the options and if any of the options has the capacity to cause damage to any of the stakeholders. Next, employees must gather enough facts related to each of their ethical objectives and consult all relevant stakeholders.

After gathering all the relevant information, employees can now examine all their options using the ethical approaches explained above. For instance, employees may need to evaluate their options for those that will result in the least amount of harm and do the most good using the utilitarian approach.  It may be necessary to single out options that best respect the moral rights of all stakeholders involved in the rights approach and those that treat all individuals equally and/or fairly in the justice approach. This evaluation should also include options that serve the community as a whole and not just selected individuals in the common good approach and those that are reflective of the kind of person the employee is in the virtue approach.  Once all the decisions have been successfully evaluated, employees can then make a decision that represents the results of their evaluation.

Salus Inc. aspires to attain a reputation for demonstrating honesty integrity and trustworthiness. This reputation can only be achieved from the daily actions of our employees. It is therefore important that our employees learn how to make sound ethical decisions in situations where the code does not specify what their conduct should be.  The framework stipulated above should assist our employees should they encounter any ethical conflict in the course of fulfilling their obligations to this organization. Moreover, implementing decisions that have been evaluated using an ethical decision making framework and observing the effects of those decisions, maps the most effective and efficient decisions and assists future decision making within the organization.


Ethical decision making is a process through which human beings can evaluate and choose between alternatives in a manner that is consistent with ethical principles. Ethical conflicts present an emotional and psychological challenge that may be difficult to overcome for most individuals. It is therefore important to establish a framework that will enable employees to recognize and eliminate unethical alternatives in situations where the code of ethics provides minimal direction.

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