Ethics and Morality in Correction System and Care of Inmates

Responsibilities of the Correction System

The correction system helps keep society safe by incarcerating individuals who have committed crimes. Notably, the correction system serves many functions to provide care for inmates. Some of these responsibilities include providing control, custody, and rehabilitation to individuals convicted of criminal offenses. The responsibility of control entails housing inmates in an environment that is secure and one that meets their individual health needs. Correctional facilities must ensure that they protect inmates’ safety and promote a healthy environment (Clear, Reisig, & Cole, 2018).

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The custodial function involves creating programs that meet the needs of inmates. Inmates are classified as either belonging to maximum, medium, or minimum security facilities. Once in the facility, the inmate is assigned to a unit that comprises a unit manager, correctional counselor, a case manager, and someone from the psychology, education, and work departments. The said unit team is responsible for developing a program that meets the custodial needs of an inmate. Lastly, the correction system offers rehabilitation; notably, this is the central focus of the system. Rehabilitation includes a wide range of programs such as educational, substance abuse, and mental health services geared to help individuals reform hence desist from crime (Clear, Reisig, & Cole, 2018). Thus, the responsibilities of the correction system entail much more than just punishing individuals who have committed crimes.

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How Morality And Ethics Affects How Care Is Provided To Inmates In The Correction System.

Morality and ethics significantly affect how care is provided to inmates in the correction system. Most of the moral and ethical principles used by the correction system are adopted from the American Correctional Association (ACA) (Braswell, McCarthy, & McCarthy, 2017). The code of ethics helps correctional officers respect the individual rights of inmates and refrain from using any form of discrimination. Morality and ethics influence the conduct of correctional officers so that they treat every professional situation with concern for the involved inmate’s welfare with no intent of personal gain (“Code of Ethics”, n.d.).

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Moreover, morality and ethics allow correctional officers to refrain from allowing their personal interest impairing their ability to be objective when discharging their duties. Furthermore, the code of conduct dictates that correctional officers should never use their positions to secure personal advantages or privileges. Lastly, morality and ethics help correction systems treat inmates with respect and work towards contributing to a system that is safe, healthy, and free of any form of harassment (“Code of Ethics”, n.d.). Despite the crime committed by inmates to earn their sentences, they are still human beings and, as such, must be accorded respect and dignity. Morality and ethics allow the correction system to treat the inmates with respect and dignity in accordance with the civil and legal rights of all persons.

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Principles Of Organization Psychology That Could Be Implemented Into The Corrections System To Better Support Employees’ Ethical Standards While Still Maintaining The Public Interest.

            The correction system could implement principles of organizational psychology to better support employees’ ethical standards while at the same time maintaining the public interest. The organizational psychology principles can help the correction system identify ideal candidates, maintain an ideal workplace environment, and establish recruitment strategies that promote a high level of ethical standards. According to Spector (2021), organizational psychology principles for organizations to identify qualities and competencies necessary to attract the suitable personality types or candidates they seek. Hence, the principles can help the correction system select suitable people who can uphold the desired ethical standards while still maintaining the public interest.

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Additionally, organizational psychology principles can help the correction system in training and development to hone employees’ ethical standards. The principles can help the correction system pinpoint employees’ training needs. Identifying the needs serves as a guideline for delivering the necessary training in a beneficial fashion (Spector, 2021). Moreover, organizational psychology principles can help the correction system create a workplace culture that will improve employee compliance with desired ethical standards. Spector elucidates that organizational psychological principles help an organization determine the elements necessary to improve workplace culture. An organizational culture rooted in robust ethical and moral undergirding influences employees to become relatively more ethical. Lastly, the principles of organizational psychology can help the correction system in its recruitment strategies. When interviewing new employees, correctional facilities can utilize organizational psychology principles to gain needed information regarding their moral campus.

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According to Spector (2021), organizational psychology principles can help an organization formulate the right questions to assess the candidates’ competencies. Additionally, the principles of organizational psychology help organizations determine the type of programs necessary to attract suitable employees who are compatible with the needs of the workplace (Spector, 2021). Thus, organizational psychology principles can help the correction system determine what aspects it needs to improve to attract employees who uphold high ethical standards.

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