Technology Influence on Ethical Decision-making in Healthcare

The ethical implications of integrating technology in healthcare are the possible dilemmas and consequences that emerge from the advancement and incorporation of new technologies, which have the potential to affect the environment, society, and individuals positively and negatively. According to Sivasubramanian Balasubramanian (2023), in healthcare technology is very dynamic and therefore can move fast and break some things such as breaching the trust between staff, patients, and family. The advent of technology in healthcare attracts various moral and ethical issues as it can affect the quality of care and patient safety.

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Galli (2019) shows that technology has affected ethical decision-making in the healthcare environment through the fast transformation of medical technology, changing practices, and integration of high tech such as robotics and automation. In modern healthcare settings, the use of technologies like robotics and automation is common in practices such as patient care, surgery, and rehabilitation. While using this kind of tech, ethical concerns include handling issues about the displacement of jobs of healthcare professionals, ascertaining the safety of patients, and upholding the oversight of human beings in automated systems.

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Another way through which modern technology is affecting ethical decision-making in a healthcare environment is through data privacy and security.  Kim (2023) argues that the arrival of electronic health records (EHRs) has triggered concerns about the privacy and safety of the patient’s data. Nurses and doctors are expected to explore the ethical concerns and ensure that patient’s data and privacy are protected against unauthorized access and all forms of breaches.

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According to Sivasubramanian Balasubramanian (2023), the advent of technologies like palliative care interventions and life support machines come with sophisticated ethical issues about the precise integration of technology in eliminating suffering, prolonging life, and respecting the patient’s end-of-life preferences.

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In conclusion, while exploring these ethical concerns, technological experts, nurses, doctors, and policymakers must partner to create best practices, guidelines, and regulations centered on protecting the patients’ equity, autonomy, privacy, and welfare in the dynamic environment of healthcare technology.

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