Formal Training Proposal on Modern Technology in the Healthcare Industry


I am the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Training World, Inc., an international workplace training organization, that offers training and development in the healthcare field. The organization is equipped with 200 full-time and part-time professionals with advanced knowledge in different areas in the healthcare field. With the help of our professionals, the organization has managed to transform several healthcare organizations into high-performing organizations through our short training and development program. Our program helps in enhancing employees’ efficiency in their operation, and improving their work attitude, and enhance individual output and hence the general organization performance.

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The Training World, Inc. intends to offer training on the use of modern technology to enhance workers’ safety and operational efficiency. The training aims to ensure that the organization takes advantage of the modern adopted technology to improve its performance level. As you already know Central Dallas Medical Center (CDMC) has recently adopted several modern technologies and integrated them into its operations. However, the organization has not managed to experience much improvement in its general performance as per the healthcare ranking.

In this regard. Training World, Inc., wishes to offer training to center employees with intention of enhancing their ability to utilize the adopted technology to improve quality and responsible use of technology to protect patient information. The training will address various aspects of modern medical technology that will enhance workers’ understanding of the healthcare technology and how to use it to improve safety, efficiency, and general performance including patient output, patient satisfaction, and job satisfaction. It will also discuss how healthcare employees can use modern technology effectively to ensure patient safety and privacy.

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Understanding Modern Technology in the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry has experienced great technological transformation since the establishment of digital technology. Like all other industries, the healthcare industry tried to automate its operations resulting in the establishment of a health information system (HIT). HIT was adopted by health leaders who started appreciating the usage of Information Technology (IT) in improving quality of service and reducing health care costs. In most organizations, the application of HIT enhances quality, competitiveness, and productivity. For this reason, the majority of healthcare providers regard HIT as a medical errors solution.  

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According to Alolayyan et al. (2020), the use of the electronic system to complete the health information of a patient will lower medical errors that happen due to knowledge gaps based on issues such as laboratory information and relevant medication, allergies, poor communication among providers, and past medical history. Just like knowledge acquisition and automated decision-making support tools, HIT can bring electronic health information (patient information) that can be efficiently employed by health care practitioners, therefore lowering omission errors due to provider’s knowledge gaps and failure to employ that knowledge in health care exercise. Also, HIT enhances queue management, lowers different barriers, saves costs related to stationary, and relieves employees from different paperwork. HIT can also assist in the effective and efficient delivery of health care services. Moreover, the application of a financial management system has a direct impact on lowering the operating costs of a hospital (Alolayyan et al., 2020).

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The application of modern healthcare technologies such as HIT is anticipated to improve operational efficiency and the general performance of an organization. If an organization has adopted this technology but fails to see the anticipated change, then it means that the organization is experiencing a problem of effective application of technology to gain anticipated competitive advantage. Central Dallas Medical Center (CDMC) current performance years after the adoption of HIT including electronic health record (EHR) demonstrate that there is a problem in this sector. Training World, Inc. will offer training to the center workers on how to effectively utilize the available technology to ensure operational efficiency and effectiveness.

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Workers will learn how to use the available technology to bridge the collaboration and communication gap among units in the organization. This will help in improving the quality of care, reducing medical errors, and enhancing patient outcomes in the long. The changes enjoyed by the use of HIT depend on how well the organization workers embrace the technology and how effectively or accurately they can use it. The lack of two interferes with the effective application of technology to bring positive change (Fulop  & Ramsay, 2019). My team will train your workforce on how to use effectively use the modern technology available in the organization to bring positive change.

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Quality Improvement in a Healthcare Organization

Besides the application of the available technology to improve quality and performance, we will train your workers on how to use data collected by modern technology to measure performance. According to Alotaibi and Federico (2017), HIT is regarded as the use of information processing entailing both computer software and hardware that address the sharing, retrieval, storage, and application of health care knowledge, data, and information for decision making and communication. HIT comprises different technology that ranges from simple charting to extra advanced integration and decision support with medical technology.

The HIT offers various chances for transforming and improving healthcare including enabling care coordination, enhancing clinical outcomes, lowering human errors, tracking data for some time, and enhancing practice efficiencies. To ensure that the opportunities presented by the HIT are effectively utilized, a healthcare organization needs to have informatics specialists or personnel that are well conversant with informatics. Informatics refers to the science of how to use knowledge, information, and data to enhance the delivery of healthcare services and human health. Having technology is one thing, and using it to improve care and ensure continuous improvement of the organization’s performance is another thing. A healthcare organization needs to be well conversant of how to use the data collected and stored in the HIT to measure performance, monitor trends, and improve performance. 

Training World, Inc. will train your employees operating with the help of technology on how to use the collected data to determine their level of performance. This is part of informatics where one gains knowledge to analyze data gathered by a healthcare information system to determine performance. The training will be specialized for every unit of operation. For instance, doctors will be helped to determine the number of correct diagnoses with time, cause of wrong diagnosis, the advanced effect of their mistakes among other aspects related to their unit of operation.

Nurses will be assisted to determine the general outcome of a patient after their care, the time taken to obtain the results, cases of medical errors, delayed services, medical advances, and other similar aspects related to patient care. Those in the emergency room will help in determining the average waiting time, patient output, and the general level of success. This will help every unit to identify areas they are failing in. With this information, the specialists involved in every unit can have a meeting and decide on how to improve their performance better. A review in the future can help in determining whether the employed change created any improvement or not. It will also help in determining other areas that may need to change to improve performance further attain the aspired unit goals or general organization goals. Training World, Inc. is committed to ensuring that workers are always motivated to give their best.

By adding them knowledge, CDMC workers will be more energized to determine their daily performance and to make personal or unit decisions on how to improve care. This will even encourage some to advance their education to bridge knowledge in an area that they keep on failing. It will also help in developing future unit training based on the average output of an area of operation among all employees in the unit. Another major advantage of offering this area of training is that the organization will be able to keep a continuous real-time performance trend. This will give the management and units leaders a chance to make decisions regarding various operations swiftly, ensuring the organization is in a constant state of improvement with the aid of modern technology. This will eventually help the organization to gain the competitive advantage that comes with the integration of modern technology in a healthcare organization. Improving organizational performance means high patient outcomes, a high level of patient satisfaction, and growth in workers’ job satisfaction as a bonus for improving care.

Responsible Use of Technology to Protect Patient Privacy

The adoption of modern technology in healthcare organizations has also come security and privacy issues related to patient information. According to Keshta and Odeh (2021), various surveys have reported numerous concerns about health information privacy. About two-third of clients in different healthcare organizations paid attention to personal health records privacy and while only about 39% felt that their health data were secure and safe. This demonstrates the importance of ensuring patient data safety and avoiding by any cost any issue that would bring negative publicity on the organization’s ability to safeguard patients’ data.

Lack of enough knowledge on how to handle HIT creates fear among organization workers as they are likely to make costly errors. One of such errors would be exposure of the patients’ data to a third party, especially unknowingly or as a result of mishandling a technology. Other than breaking the law, this mistake can cause healthcare workers their jobs and ability to secure another job in the industry in the future. Ensuring that healthcare organization workers can handle system security effectively is therefore highly important. Keshta and Odeh (2021) note that a healthcare organization needs to embrace three security-safeguard themes that include administrative, technical and physical. To accomplish these theme, a healthcare organization need to ensure all personnel working with the system can manage to take necessary security measures to safeguard patients information privacy and security.

Training World, Inc. will offer training to your employees on how to ensure effective security measures in the individual area of operation. It will also train the administration on how to always ensure that the system is safe and free from external or internal malicious operations that can influence the security of the system in the organization. This training will play a great role in ensuring that the organization is safe from any careless or malicious practices that can compromise information security.

Although quality performance is one of the main things while selecting the best healthcare organization to attend to for a community, the ability to trust the organization with personal information is also very important. The organization should ensure to win patients’ trust and never ruin it by security malpractice that can be avoided. Other than this, Training World, Inc. will also train employees on how they can ensure total adherence to HIPAA security rules, even when using other personal modern technologies such as mobile devices, the internet, and social media. This will ensure no employee in the organization is ever involved in a patient information security breach scandal that is likely to affect the organization’s reputation as well as that of the specific worker.

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Healthcare organizations have embraced modern technology to improve their competitive advantage, in a highly competitive arena. Like most healthcare organizations, CDMC has also put an effort to integrate modern technologies into its operations. However, the organization is not leaping the anticipated level of benefits due to the lack of effective implementation of these technologies to enhance performance. Training World, Inc. placing a proposal to aid the organization in training its employees in enhancing their ability to embrace and integrate the adopted modern technology to enhance performance. The training will focus on the effective use of HIT to improve the individual, unit, and organization operation efficiency, patient safety, and enhance cost-effectiveness.

The training will also educate the employees using modern technology on how to use the technology to analyze data and trace personal performance. This will include guiding them on how they can use data to make operational changes to improve individual or unit performance. The training will also center on challenges that come with modern technology in the healthcare industry, where it will guide the organization workers on how to ensure patient information security and privacy, and also on how to ensure general safety while using personal modern technology at the workplace. The training will ensure to improve the organization’s performance and safeguard it from risks associated with the application of modern technologies in the healthcare industry.      

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