Conflict, Power and Organizational Politics In A Chain of Movie Theaters

Politics and power play a significant role in organizations, from how employees interact with each other and to how decisions made. In small and big organizations, the effect of power relies on whether managers use negative and positive power to influence others in the workplace (Zeiger, n. d). Apparently, politics directly control or influence the person who has the authority, and determines if the general culture of the organization promotes output and productivity.

 Identify the potential sources of conflict among the managers.

Conflict is the practice that happens when a group or an individual recognizes that another group or person is aggravating a vital goal or concern.   Apparently, conflicts occur after you perceive that someone is upsetting or thwarting your goal (Boundless, 2015). Conversely, a lot of conflicts arise from incorrect judgment or perception that someone is intentionally averting the attainment and success of individual objectives.

Consequently, conflict among managers and team members result or arise from several sources, and some conflicts have their basis on disagreements concerning the nature of the manager’s work, how it’s attained, and how the managers behave (Boundless, 2015). Below following is a list of potential sources of conflicts of the mentioned organization:

  1. Competing interest
  2. Ambiguity or Vagueness
  3. Performance deficiencies
  4. Poor or lack of communication

Describe the types of organizational power individual managers might be seeking and how their search for power may contribute to conflict in the organization.

Companies offer a power base and pedestal for persons working within the organization. From a wholly monetary stance and viewpoint, companies live to generate an expendable income over costs through meeting needs in the marketplace (Zalenznik, 1970). Conversely, companies are politically structured and offer chances to employees to develop livelihood, which provides platforms for the expression of employee’s motives and interests. Consequently, the advancements of professions specifically high professional and managerial levels, depends on amassing of power as the vehicle for converting employees motives into actions that influence other people or employees.

Here is a list of type’s organizational power that individual managers may strive to attain:

  1. Control of scarce resources
  2. Formal authority
  3. Control of decision process
  4. Use of rules, regulations, and organizational structure
  5. Ability to handle ambiguity
  6. Control of information and knowledge

Analyze how organizational politics might influence formal and informal decision-making within the organization.

Organizational politics affect the connection between informal and formal decision making. The informal decision making minimizes the perception of organizational politics, as the managers provide the mission, vision, and an operative process for goal attainment (Ivanko, 2013). Whereas formal decision making minimizes vagueness and professional uncertainty that certifies the feeling that it is hard to handle organizational challenges in a civilized way based on fairness and justice.

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