Creating a Culture of Innovation – BUS302

Imagine you are creating a new and innovative technology company. In this assignment, consider the culture, management, and leadership of your organization. Remember that your company should be a place that people want to work.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

  1. Describe the characteristics of the people you would want working at your company, in relation to the culture you are trying to cultivate.
  2. Identify two (2) leadership qualities you would look for in employees. What does their background and previous experience look like?
  3. Discuss your company’s organizational culture. What are the ways you can help ensure that the company’s culture fosters creativity and innovation among employees?

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 Creating a Culture of Innovation – Jolly’s Creative Apparel

            Jolly’s Creative Apparel is a fashionable apparel company incepted on December 6, 2019 in New Jersey with the primary aim of creating handbags for the stylish 21st century woman. The company is grounded in a unique business framework which allows customers to send in designs to be incorporated into the final design. This nascent idea is the primary reason why Jolly’s Creative Apparel handbags’ have a starting price from $55.00 since customers are always assured of high-end finished products. This relative affordability also creates a unique opportunity for aficionados of customized goods to enjoy this exceptional service. Ethical and fair trade manufacturing material are procured from Quebec, Canada; from accredited suppliers renowned across the region for first-rate goods.  Jolly’s Creative Apparel stands out from the rest by allowing customers to set a price range from which they would like to operate within, which further improves the company’s standing within a complex market.

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Customers are also given an opportunity to introduce new changes after manufacture to ensure initial plans and ideas are incorporated into the final design. A premium subscription through the company website also allows customers to enjoy free shipping for products ordered, in case mail delivery is unavailable. Word of mouth referrals have been responsible for a majority of the referrals, while customers enjoy a 5 percent discount for the purchase of four or more bags. Creating a robust culture of innovation relies upon fundamental characteristics of employees and leadership qualities within an effervescent organizational culture.

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Characteristics of The People I Would Want Working at the Company

            The hiring of new employees is an important practice which currently takes center stage at Jolly’s Creative Apparel. Nevertheless, prospective applicants must first display several core characteristics bound to bolster the company’s mission of transforming lives through the creation of elegant masterpieces. The company is particular about these traits for it is only through their presence that success will be realized in a relatively competitive market. The demeanor of individual employees is always an important aspect to factor in for it impacts an organization directly and has far-reaching consequences for all parties involved. Jolly’s Creative Apparel seeks to employ individuals who are highly dependable and meticulous in their work. It is always crucial to employ reliable persons capable of taking on any challenge within the workplace environment. Dependable employees are individuals who overcome personal deficiencies to complete an assortment of pending tasks in an orderly fashion while remaining cognizant of projected timelines (Blair & Roe, 2016).

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They are also able to work with minimal administration due to a high level of discipline and commitment to organizational objectives. These traits also foster honesty within the workplace environment which then ensures that employees actively participate in ethical and transparent business practices. An ideal employee is also one who is proactive and capable of taking initiative in any given scenario. Such individuals typically display a high level of responsibility and are known for their resourcefulness whenever confronted by any emerging challenge. They should also display a great deal of integrity by owning up to their mistakes and being ready to make necessary changes to avoid a similar occurrence in the future. Furthermore, they should also be unafraid of raising pertinent issues and bringing them to the attention of respective supervisors for official direction on the best intervention strategy. They should also be willing to do more than is expected of them as a sign of sheer diligence and dedication to ensuring that the company thrives and meets set goals. A model employee is one with a virtuous disposition which is typically characterized by a good attitude. This is evident in their work ethic and relations with fellow employees. Additionally, they should have superior communication skills which will enable them to enunciate and pitch novel ideas with the aim of improving organizational performance.

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Leadership Qualities To Check in Employees

            Jolly’s Creative Apparel also seeks employees with essential leadership qualities. This is because employees should always be ready to occupy any available leadership position to support senior management in administrative duties. Leadership qualities also allow them to directly influence coworkers during a time of crisis with the primary aim of charting a defined course within a high-morale environment. Accountability and vision are two main leadership qualities that an ideal Jolly’s employee should have.

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            Accountability is ranked among the most important leadership qualities that employees can possess. This is because it has traditionally improved productivity by enabling employees to identify high-priority tasks as a way of reducing the frequency of unproductive behavior. Accountability also increases individual’s confidence in inherent capabilities since it allows them to display a great deal of skill within the workplace environment. It also reduces incidences of blame since employees focus more on the tasks at hand as opposed to finding fault in others. Accountable leaders are individuals who take initiative to employ best practices within the workplace environment to avert a situation where blame is shifted during precarious scenarios (Andrew, 2018, p. 45). Accountability also assures employees of less conflict since individuals take responsibility for their actions and endeavor to change as a way of remedying the current situation. Besides, accountability every so often means less frustration within the workplace environment since culpable individuals strive to transform circumstances through cumulative alterations. It also fosters an environment where exceptional customer service becomes the norm since individual employees take responsibility for their role in organizational failings. A visionary employee is one who constantly seeks to improve an organization’s current position by seeing its potential to attain nascent innovative goals. They are individuals who are constantly coming up with new ideas on how organizational objectives can be realized. A visionary leader is also directly involved in company initiatives and always ready to lead others towards the attainment of specific objectives. They are also risks takers who see potential in proposed ideas and willing to take sacrifices to attain set goals. Furthermore, a visionary employee is one who carefully listens to advice provided by every single individual within the organization including dissenting voices. This allows one to listen to useful advice crucial when seeking to attain a set of pre-determined goals.

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Organizational Culture on My Innovative Company

            Jolly’s Creative Apparel consists of motivated entrepreneurs who are dedicated to display their love of fashion through unique handbag designs. They are ready to dedicate their lives to this cause and have already taken necessary steps to identify potential clients who will ultimately become the company’s lifeline. The company employs a comprehensive hiring structure which only approves dedicated individuals who set their eyes on achieving organizational goals. The spirit of entrepreneurship is one of the basic requirements since it is linked to problem-solving capabilities and ultimate entrepreneurial success. Additionally, our company ensures all employees enjoy a level of freedom which allows them to express their opinions openly without fear of accompanying repercussions. It is, therefore, possible to directly approach any emerging challenge, while constantly brainstorming to develop refined business ideas for the company’s future.


In conclusion, Jolly’s Creative Apparel is an emerging leader in the handbag industry which strives to create imitable designs for its rapidly growing clientele. Hiring employees who are dependable, motivated, meticulous, and proactive will support the company in fueling its expansionist quest through aggregate success. Similarly, accountability and vision are two main leadership qualities that an ideal employee should possess. Thus, the company seeks to achieve its organizational objectives through an intricate organizational culture which fosters growth and success.

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