Descriptive Annotated Bibliography – Proposal for a New Employee Orientation Program

Nandi, R. (2015). Effective Induction for Employee’s Performance and Satisfaction. International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities, 3(4): 28-41.

            This article explore the different methods of introducing new employees to their workplace in order to determine the most effective strategy of induction. According to this article, most organizations lack the ingredients required to formulate the most effective induction strategy. This is attributed to neglected functions by many organization to finance and conduct research about employee orientation strategies. A review by this article indicated that an induction program, whether it lasts for six months or one day do not only enhance the performance of the employee, but also promotes retention. To determine the most effective induction strategy, this article sort to identify the employees’ characteristics in relation to orientation procedures, determine the correlation of employee performance and employee orientation program, and find out relationship between employee satisfaction and employee orientation. The results indicated that a well-organized and planned induction program assists the new employee to get assimilated to the workplace and off on the right food immediately. The article concluded that effective induction program improves the performance and satisfaction of the new employees.

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Grillo, M. & Kim, H. K. (2015). A Strategic Approach to Onboarding Design: Survey, Materials & Diverse Hires. Cornell: Cornell University ILR School.

            According to this article, onboarding process is essential for successful employee retention and performance. However, research have shown that in Fortune 500 companies, half of new employee hired to the position of senior executive fails within the first 18 months, while the half of the hourly employees quit the new job within the first 120 days. As a result, organizations have embarked on research to determine the effective onboarding program that would help to prevent these disappointments and failures witnessed in the process of employee transitions. More importantly, effective onboarding program helps the organizations to improve retention, engagement, performance and time-to-productivity of new hires. Further analysis indicated that research about the most effective onboarding process is vast, thus requiring focus on key aspects. Therefore, this article focused on three key aspects that influences the onboarding process: Key considerations for onboarding diverse hires, important materials to align the onboarding process and best practice to build an onboarding survey. The findings indicated that a strategically designed onboarding program assists the organizations to integrate new employees and achieve higher retention, engagement and productivity.

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Markos, S. & Sridevi, M. S. (2010). Employee Engagement: The Key to Improving Performance. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(12): 89-96.

            According to this article, employee engagement is a broad contruct that influence almost all facets of human resource management. Failures to appropriately engage employee in the workplaces leads to mismanagement of human resource management. This article built the foundation of employee engagement from three aspects: organizational citizenship behavior, employee commitment and the concept of job satisfaction. The process of employee engagement needs to be tailored to ensure that training programs enhances transitional process as well as promotes two-way relationship between employer and employee. Analysis indicated that active employee engagement serves as a stronger predictor of positive organizational performance. Through employee engagement, the organization is able to improve organizational citizenship behavior, employee commitment and job satisfaction. The findings in this article indicated that employees who are actively engaged tend to develop emotionally attached to the organization. This makes the employee to be more enthusiatic to the workplace environment, hence increasing productivity since employees strives to go beyong the conctructual agreement. The article concluded that organizations should initiate two-way employee engagement strategy and incorporated into the organizational culture so that new employee develops with the culture of two-way employee engagement.

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Boettcher, J. (2009). Onboarding: A New New-Hire Orientation Process. Menomonie, WI: University of Wisconsin-Stout.

            This researched focused on analyzing the emrging onborading practices used by small Midwest organization. The objectives of these emerging onborading practices is to assists the small Midwest organization to cut down the costs of employee turnover. The information was collected through the use of in-person interview of human resource managers of various Midwest organizations. The interview focus on aspects that emcompasses the operations of the organization and the information given to the new employees during the hiring process. These included the main purpose of the organization, the critical people within the organization, the main functions of different offices, the customers of the organization and the inner workings of the organization. The findings indicated that new employee felt that they understood the operations of the organization more after being actively engaged in onborading practice. From the supervisors perspective, new employees who went through onborading practice where more confident what they were doing as compared to employees who came onboard through traditional employement methods. Therefore, the article concluded that emerging onborading practices were more beneficial to the new employees and organizations.

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Vernon, A. (2012). New Hire Onboarding: Common Mistake to Avoid. Journal of Training and Development, 66(9): 32-33.

                According to this article, Human Resource Department struggles to establish equilibrium in the new employee orientation program. Therefore, the application of the on-boarding process focused on the immediate requirements of the new employees and thereafter a follow-up with additional information. Research has suggested that employers make mistakes by giving too much information to the new employees within a very short time. An effective on-boarding process requires the information given to the new employees to be limited depending with the absorption rate thus very important for the retention. This article indicated that on-boarding process is not a one day event that ends at the first after the new employees start working with the organization. The study conducted by this article suggested that since the employee gained tenure by working with the organization, an orientation program needs to last more than one day in a new employee process. The sediments corroborate the findings that require the release of information be done in peace mills and segments in order to improve retention.

Chen, X. (2010). Suggestions on Effective Corporate New Employee Orientation Program for Human Resources Specialists. Online Journal of Workforce Education and Development, 4(3): 1-11.

                According to Chen (2010), about two-third of the organization agitate for the need to improve new employee orientation program. Studies have shown that new employees who attend orientation training program exhibits higher levels of obligation to the organization than those not attending. Study by this article suggested that the education system, distance instructors or instructors engaged at non-peak times be unable to attend a face-to face orientation, thus limiting the capability of employees to become familiarized to the organization. The findings showed that new employees that missed the orientation process had a greater decrease of engagement and disconnect with the organization. Therefore, reinforcing the suggestion that the earlier the new employee familiarized with the culture of the organization, the most oriented employees will be. Traditionally, new employee orientation approach faced difficulties associated with the gaps of new employees starting to work for the organization and attending at the new employee orientation program.

Bradt, G. & Vonnegut, M. (2009). Onboarding: How to get your new employees up to speed in half the time. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

                Human resources department takes full responsibility of hiring new employees whenever a need arises. The hiring process involves competitive stages that require applicants to pass through before offered employment. The engagement of the new employees starts the moment the contestants are notified through phone calls, emails or letters for their employment offer. As required, the engagement process involves making new employees be aware of their duties and responsibility in the workplace. Nonetheless, all departments need to develop on-boarding and new employee orientation program to assist newcomers integrate with the culture of the organization. First impression given to the new employees is paramount. An effective employee orientation offers new employees with an encouraging impression of employment and significantly influences the new employee’s enthusiasm, throughput and job satisfaction.

Weinstein, M. (2008). In Onboarding. Training, 45(7): 3.

            Studies by this article indicated that organizations have shifted from the traditional one day orientation training programs to a three months program. The urge to retain professional employees by the organizations has taken a front seat thus forcing the Human Resource professional to develop an on-boarding program. The findings concluded that increased employees’ retention and worker productivity level is directly related to the effective on-boarding programs.

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