Effect of Immigration on US Economy

One of the most contentious issues in the United States in the turn of the new millennium is the problem of the undocumented immigrants. Indeed, it has become an issue of national concern especially, in the last decade. It has on many occasions, sparked heated arguments about the impacts of the undocumented population on the economy of the country. According to Becerra, Androff, Ayon and Castillo (111) studies conducted around 2010 estimates that almost a third of the entire American population is made up of undocumented immigrants. The general perception is that such developments are not in the best interest of the nation. These debates rage on despite recent reports that indicate a substantial decrease in the influx rates in the last couple of years. On the contrary, the immigrant community plays a pivotal role in the U.S both socially and economically.

Ordinarily, most people who are against immigration argue that they – the immigrants – are a financial liability to the government of the United States (Becerra, Androff, Ayon and Castillo 111). The problem with this school of argument is that it does not provide reasonable support for its allegation. To the rational thinker, there may be an array of factors at play. For one, it could be out of sheer ignorance that one holds such opinions. Secondly, it could be due to most people’s unfounded hatred towards the immigrant community. Thirdly it could be the different response to the stiff competition for employment opportunities that the immigrants present in a unique fashion. According to the authors, such sentiments have led to the imposition of radical and exorbitant policies most of which come off as inhumane.

Additionally, this issue has featured importantly in the current presidential campaigns. Notably, the Republicans have been quite vocal about the dangers that the undocumented population poses to the economy of the U.S (Davis). Given its position as well as its economic aptitudes, the U.S is bound to attract relatively many immigrants. In my opinion, this is a blessing in disguise. The pros and cons of immigration to the U.S economy are incomparable. That is, I think the advantages would override the disadvantages. Outwardly, it seems to be an unfair deal; that the American government provides while the immigrants benefit. However, a closer look at the issue offers a different perspective. In reality, The U.S government stands to benefit a great deal from the additional labor provided by the immigrants.

The state of Arizona, for instance, is currently feeling the full effects of the loss of the immigrant labor (Davis). This happens now that the state has passed stringent anti-immigration legislations. Plantation owners lament the lack of laborers to help with field work. Consequently, they are compelled to respond to the crisis by developing million dollar machines to replace the lost human labor. The Arizona case is a perfect example of what would happen to the economy if the immigrants are made to leave. Personally, I believe the immigrants’ contribution to the economy is immense. Further pursuit of the anti-immigrant campaign would significantly diminish the current economic growth rates.

According to the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce, the Hispanics are capable of transforming the American society’s outlook. It predicts that this feat may be achievable within the next four decades. This hypothesis hinges on the fact that the Hispanics population in America grows at an alarming rate. The Hispanic purchasing power was predicted to reach 1.5 million dollars by the year 2015 (Gallegos).The other ethnic groups may not be able to compete. This translates to an improve Latino market base. Naturally, the Latino are aggressive people. They practically fight for their space in the society and are currently a force to reckon within the American society. This fact has been brought to light by the controversial views the controversial views one presidential candidate has aired in the existing campaigns (Berger). Thus I can conclude that the Hispanic market does exist and that it has the purchasing power.

It is only a matter time before the Latino gets to assume their real position in the American society. Currently, the Hispanics are underrepresented politically. Studies show that about 25 million eligible Latino voters are not registered (Baumann). Considering their increasing purchasing power which is directly proportionate to their pulsating growth rate they might as well begin pushing for political recognition. Ideally, politics has more to do with financial muscle as well as power. Evidently, the immigrants have these requirements or at least will have them shortly. Surely the future looks promising for them. According to Olson, Hispanics make up only 4% of all appointments made for company board positions. This is not a real figure by all standards. The author blames these inconsequential numbers to the deficiency in operational or fiscal experience which is the same as purchasing power. Hence, I believe, the little number of Latinos in the board room is due to their little purchasing power.

It is evident that the immigrant factor could be just what the American economy needs to recover fully from the ravages of the recent recession. Attempts at reducing their ever growing numbers have further confirmed their importance. As their number increases so does other factors such as their purchasing power and political participation. The most logical solution for the government is to recognize their efforts and plan their proper integration into the American community so as to avoid conflict.

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