Embracing Diversity and Multiculturalism in Aviation Industry

A multicultural staff includes a group of diverse people serving under one management. Having a multicultural work environment is that various people from different cultures contribute to building a unique labor force. According to Stevenson (2020), airlines that embrace diversity and multiculturalism hardly encounter a shortage of pilots. Boeing approximates that in the next two decades, North America will require more than 110,000 new pilots. This high number originates from the present groups of pilots being compelled to retire at 65. Stevenson et al. (2020) also add that more than 42 percent of U.S. airline pilots will retire in the next ten years, which is approximately 22000 pilots. Data from Stevenson et al. (2020) indicates that this problem could be averted if the airlines embraced diversity and multiculturalism among their workers.

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            As Evans & Suklun (2017) reported, numerous scholars have acknowledged culture to be the software in a person’s mind that stimulates the patterns of thinking, acting, and feeling. Evans & Suklun (2017) further recommend that organizations must embrace a multicultural workforce since welcoming different cultures bring a competitive advantage to the firm in the present business world. Diversified airlines have limited cases of racial discrimination and gender-based stereotypes. As Foster (2011) notes, such discrimination can tarnish the airline’s image if not adequately managed.

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Another research by  Stevenson et al. (2020) found that a culturally diversified work environment enables the development and maximization of skillsets. An airline that has diverse cultures empowers staff to establish their skills and talents. Different ideas and expertise allow the employees, especially the pilots, to learn from a range of colleagues. Ravazzani (2015) adds that diversity has value to airlines because it boosts problem-solving potential and increases productivity and happiness. In an airline where all voices are listened to, the spirit of innovation develops and encouragement to contribute to the aviation industry’s general growth becomes successful.

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            In the literature review, Ravazzani (2015) highlights that the aviation industry’s cultural diversity boosts the recruitment procedure. Furthermore, Choudhry’s (2018) survey demonstrates that two-thirds of pilots cite multiculturalism as a core factor in their job hunt. Therefore, by forming a framework for cultural diversity, the aviation sector can broaden its appeal to prospective pilots and other staff members and reach out to high-level candidates globally. A research study by Daher (2015) also found that cultural diversity in an airline can assist the company in retaining talent. Daher (2015) continues by asserting that other than attracting a broader talent pool, cultural diversity is the foundation of welcoming different ideologies such as respect between the company and its staff and enhancing cooperation. This puts the company in an attractive scenario to valuable candidates, making it unique among the competitors.            

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Diversity and multiculturalism in the aviation industry can trigger a powerful effect on leadership skills. According to Daher (2015), a diversified airline company can build a culture of attracting diverse personnel and personality. Diversity is the stem of leadership habits, and leadership is the voice and face of any company. Respect and reputation are significant aspects of any foresighted company.

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In his literature review, Foster (2011) acknowledges that a diverse workplace allows staff to appreciate the variations in other people due to the positive contritbution that comes with members. In a company where colleagues are open-minded when it comes to learning, they appreciate each other, which allows them to function effectively. These people end up gaining mutual respect for diverse co-workers. Foster (2011) further demonstrates that allegiance to multiculturalism means a company values equality and fairness. These are among the characteristics that significantly affect the reputation of a company positively. A firm that openly hires the best candidates regardless of their group will earn customer loyalty and a good reputation.

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