Homegrown Jihadists – Farooq and Malik

There are an increasing number of homegrown jihadist attacks in Western countries, which have been reported in France and the United States. Most of these jihadist attacks are performed by homegrown Muslims of these countries, who are often radicalized. The shootings in San Bernardino, CA were a case of home grown jihadist.

Farooq and Malik, who carried out the San Bernardino attack, were married couple, with college education and well paying jobs (ABC News, 2016). They were in the middle-class category, with no mental issues or criminal records. Malik had recently migrated to America while Farooq was a native. The two posed no threats as they had nothing basic in their backgrounds that could suggest they were of any threat. These would leave the only reason for their shootings to the allegiance to the Jihadist movement.

The fact that Farooq was a Native American and was solidly in the mainstream of American life, suggests that he might have been radicalized.  Since he was a native with solid American life, the only influence to him would be an introduction to the Jihadist movement by other individuals.  He was born in the U.S but introduced to Jihad through a third party making the whole case as a homegrown jihadist attack. Moreover, the attacks were carried with a religious motive, since it was not workplace revenge nor were they done by mentally ill individuals. (Bergen, 2016) points that Malik later pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

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