How Values Congruence is Relevant with Respect to Organizational Vs Professional Values

Chapter 2 discusses the concept of values congruence in the context of an employee s personal values with the organization s values. But values congruence also relates to the juxtaposition of other pairs of value systems. Using the text and research current articles about the topic, explain how values congruence is relevant with respect to organizational versus professional values.


The text defines values congruence as the similarity of the order of values of an individual compared to the order of values of an organization, a coworker, or another source (McShane & Von Glinow, 2013, p. 49). There has been research that shows positive outcomes between employees and organizations having values congruence (Edwards & Cable, 2009). Four main reasons for this are values congruence creates communication, predictability, interpersonal attraction, and trust (Edwards & Cable, 2009). It has also shown to give employees a higher job satisfaction rate and to possess a longer intent to stay with the organization (Edwards & Cable, 2009).

Communication will benefit organizations because it diminishes the chances of misunderstandings (Edwards & Cable, 2009). Values congruence helps to enable communications through interpersonal relationships and employees sharing values in the organization s affairs (Edwards & Cable, 2009). In the office I currently work at, there is not a strong value congruence and I see misunderstandings occur on a weekly basis. Values congruence also increases predictability because people who have and believe in similar values will make the similar decisions. This allows people feel they can depend on each other (Edwards & Cable, 2009). Feeling like you can depend on those around you leads to having some sort of trust in them.

As mentioned, there is a lack of values congruence at the office I currently work at. It is an unpredictable atmosphere. It was a family started business that is ran by the 2nd generation of family members and has the 3rd generation working there as well. Something that is ok for one person at the organization is not ok for another. This is where a lack of trust and unpredictability comes in. You also do not want to be on the receiving end if some of them are in a bad mood. In my values at the work place, professionalism is at the top and this is where my values with the organization s values do not align. This gives me a very low job satisfaction rate and I do not plan to work at this organization for a long time.

Psychology Today reveals that if you are at an organization where you have different goals and values you are likely to procrastinate (Duggan, n.d.). I do not know if I agree with this statement because I think whether you procrastinate or not may depend on what your values are as an individual. Although mine greatly differ from the organization where I work, I do not procrastinate. I work just as hard as I would if I were at my dream job. I believe this is because my number one value in the workplace is professionalism.

Values congruence leads employees to feel more committed to the organization. When employees feel committed they are more likely to stay informed, have dedication, and share opinions (Duggan, n.d.). Opinions can lead to great ideas for the organization. There are so many positive outcomes from organizations and employees having value congruence; two of the main benefits are job satisfaction and retention (Duggan, n.d.).

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