Information Privacy Issues and Laws in The Hotel Industry

Information Privacy Issues and Laws Paper Instructions

Write a paper discussing information privacy issues and laws in an industry. Include the following in your paper:

  • Identify information privacy regulations and laws for an industry that includes your organization selected in week two’s assignment. Use the Internet to research this material.
  • Define the purpose of the information law and the specifics addressed in this law.
  • Identify any penalties or fines for noncompliance.
  • Identify high level requirements for security implementation requirements for your company or an organization in this industry to ensure compliance.

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Information Privacy Issues and Laws in The Hotel Industry

I have decided to focus on hotel data privacy rules and regulations. Sharing personal information online has become commonplace. The personalization of technology and customer service is fueled by e-commerce and social media. Customers’ privacy and data protection have become major issues in all industries, including hospitality (Migdal & Palmer, 2022). A hotel’s privacy and data protection policies are essential. A data breach or privacy controversy can greatly influence a hotel’s reputation, even if it seems unimportant in the grand scheme of hotel operations. The hotel sector is subject to current and future regulations. In addition to the damage to one’s reputation, some nations have passed legislation, such as the CCPA, which impose large fines for failure to comply.

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The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), enacted by the state of California in the United States, is one example of legislation governing hotel data privacy. The bill was signed into law on June 28, 2018. The regulation has a wide influence on the use, management, and sharing of personal data. California’s Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) and CCPA regulations provide customers more authority over the personal information that companies collect about them. New privacy rights for Californians include the right to know what personal information a company has about them and how it is used, the right to have personal information gathered from them removed, and the right to refuse the sale of their personal data. Guests should be given flyers or pamphlets outlining the hotel’s privacy policies as a courtesy by the establishment (Privacy Research Team, 2022).

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Hotel and motel rooms are covered by the Fourth Amendment’s ban on illegal search and seizure, according to recent court opinions. Consent is one of the exclusions that allow for searches and seizures without a warrant. According to the Andrews cases, hotel owners and operators have a unique duty of care to their visitors, as in many jurisdictions. According to Privacy Research Team (2022), this obligation includes ensuring reasonable privacy, safety, and security for their guests. Suppose this jury’s decision is interpreted as a sign of future jury verdicts in similar cases. In that case, hotels that fail to protect their visitors’ privacy, safety, and security could face dire consequences. Every hotel owner and operator should ensure that its written policies on guest safety, security, and confidentiality are current and that all workers are adequately trained to ensure compliance.

 There is no better time than the present. Hotel staff members should be aware that they are prohibited from revealing a guest’s room number to anyone else without their consent. Even though this is widely accepted as regular industry practice, some individuals will undoubtedly devise new methods of obtaining this and other types of information for unlawful or unethical ends. Aside from the Andrews case, these policies should be revised regularly to keep up with new legal developments, and employee training should be a regular part of the business. Consult with legal advice if you have any doubts about whether a policy complies with the law and industry standards in the jurisdiction where it is implemented (Privacy Research Team, 2022).

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Some harsh penalties have been spelled forth by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in light of the increasing frequency and severity of privacy scandals and data breaches. In addition to the fines, The Attorney General’s Office of the State of California can bring civil penalties of up to $7,500 for intentional violations of the CCPA. Once the Attorney General’s office contacts businesses, they have 30 days to address the issue. If the infraction is not remedied within this time frame, the company will be subject to financial penalties. The Attorney General’s Office can seek up to $2,500 in civil fines for offences that were not the fault of the violator. The Attorney General’s office will notify businesses of the infraction within 30 days of receiving the notice. Those who fail to correct the problem on time will be subject to financial fines. If their unredacted and unencrypted data is breached and stored on a company’s server, customers can sue for up to $750 in damages or actual damages (whichever is larger). If a customer serves a notice on a company, the company has only 30 days to fix the infraction before civil fines are levied (Trivago, 2017).

The stakeholders ‘ roles in conducting an internal data audit are requirements for the hotel industry’s compliance with privacy and data protection laws and regulations. They can start by learning how and why your property collects and uses individual personal data. Then figure out who on your team has access to that data and any third-party service providers or partners with whom you share it (Trivago, 2017). The stakeholders may build a management structure that includes a person responsible for data security and privacy. This can help them get a better idea of what has to be changed to meet CCPA compliance requirements and streamline operations, reduce data collecting, and enhance security. A fantastic way to make sure you are in compliance with rules and laws is to do an IT infrastructure and security review.

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