Issues of Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chain Management – Annotated Bibliography

Alderson, W. (1957). Marketing behavior and executive action.  Irwin: Homewood, IL, 1957.

The author of Marketing behavior and executive action article, Alderson, defines the management of a supply chain as the measures and approaches that help harmonize suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses and retailers to actualize specified qualities and quantities of goods, their distribution to the right location at the right time, ensuring minimization of costs and achievement of required service levels. According to Anderson, the development and application of the standard of postponement can greatly promote a system’s marketing efficiency.He also suggested that for this to effectively take place, the distribution system in question must be a complete.Alderson concluded that postponement couldbe used to reduce the expenses associated withcarrying inventory as well as reducing the level of marketing related risks. Alderson argue that marketing efficiency is a major analytical tool, which can be used in supply management since it deals with an important aspect of the supply management process, inventory management.

Chaabane, A., Ramudhin, A., &Paquet, M. (2012). Design of sustainable supply chains under the emission trading scheme. International Journal of Production Economics135(1), 37-49.

Companies are fully responsible for the production process of the products they offer their customers. This means that they are liable for not only what happens during production but also during the process of delivering those products to the distributing warehouses, and the process of distributing the goods to different retailers who are responsible for the delivery of those goods to the consumers or users. Chaabane, Ramudhin and Paquet, (2012) explain how the concerns on the environment and legislation are moving organizations to new evaluations of the effects on environment by the supply chains they have in place. According to the authors, management of supply chains tries to actualize supply chains models that put organizations in a better position towards long-term economic performance maximization. To cope with the current robust supply chain changes, organizations are relying on responsiveness, robustness and flexibility strategies. The authors attribute the dragging in global economy to managerial decision-making chanced by focus on short-term profitability. They pose that organizations have been forced to hatch different strategies and approaches to actualize sustainable operations in the bid to cope with the hardships resulting from the depletion of non-renewable resources such as oil and metal.

Hsu, C. W., Kuo, T. C., Chen, S. H., & Hu, A. H. (2013). Using DEMATEL to develop a carbon management model of supplier selection in green supply chain management. Journal of Cleaner Production56, 164-172.

Hsu, Kuo, Chen and Hu, (2013) utilized DEMATEL (Decision-making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) technique to research the best method for managing carbon in green supply chain with the aim of enhancing management of carbon by suppliers. The authors came up with thirteen techniques that could be effective in managing carbon. They had three scopes from literature review and interview information from there experts working in the manufacture of electronics. Their research proposes that carbon information management systems and education on carbon management are two key contributors to selection of competent suppliers in carbon management. The authors further suggest that structures and relationships identification would be very helpful to managers in getting a glimpse of cause-effort relationships and provide room for selection of suppliers with better knowledge of carbon management as well as improvement of their performance.

Prajogo, D., Chowdhury, M., Yeung, A. C., & Cheng, T. C. E. (2012). The relationship between supplier management and firm’s operational performance: A multi-dimensional perspective. International journal of production economics,136(1), 123-130.

Prajogo, et al., (2012) in their book recognize the impact of social compliance on operational performance in clothing manufacture more specifically fashion products for import deeming it as the main influence. According to the authors, proper study of vital supplier management practices is paramount to achievement of improved performance of firms operations. They note how diverse management practices will contribute to diverse performance results therefore confirming the vitality of reliance on specific supplier management practices that contribute to aimed at or better performance.

SupplyChainBrain (n.d.). “Ethics Issues Are at the Heart of Supply-Chain Management”. Supply Chain Brain. u.d. Retreived on November 11, 2015 from:

The competitive inclination among companies often leads to lack of ethics in most companies’ operations. Companies outsourcing policies have been changed by laws and policies that have been enforced with the aim of ensuring that the prevailing issues relating to outsourcing are solved effectively. The author uses the article to examine the relationship between outsourcing practices and unethical behavior portrayed by companies. The author continues to argue that with more and more customers becoming interested in companies’ overseas operations, including the working conditions of their employees, unfair treatment of workers could harm a company’s reputation, reduce its sales and destroy its brand identity. The author concludes by suggesting that companies that wish to maintain their competitiveness in this age of increased consumer awareness must strive to build and sustain more appropriate supply chains.

Sarkis, J., Zhu, Q., & Lai, K. H. (2011). An organizational theoretic review of green supply chain management literature. International Journal of Production Economics130(1), 1-15.

Sarkis, Zhu, and Lai, (2011) reckon the popularity Green supply chain management (GSCM) has achieved within academia and industry. In their research, Sarkis et al. used theories in organization. The literature offers channels for addressing the aims of understanding the current position of the field and opportunities of future research and its direction. The book puts recent GSCM literature into nine extensive organization theories undertaking profound investigation of adoption, spread and GSCM practices outcome. The authors make various observations. The theory is a reliable source of directions for future investigation and research in green supply chain management. It recognizes availability plenty of opportunities for furthering investigation and research based on theories that have already been implemented (Sarkis,  Zhu, & Lai and 2011). The text identifies various vital questions that require evaluation. The book further reckons availability of more space for new themes on review of GSCM that are yet to receive proper attention in terms of investigation. The book also finds that literature detailing the application of GSCM study is very recent a statement that indicates how that GSCM and organizational theory application are at the growth level. A fifth observation made by the research is that there are more organizational theories emerging that are critical to addressing of un-tackled blossoming issues in GSCM. As a final observation, the book acknowledges that even with developing theories in GSCM researches need to develop theories on organizational phenomena.

Hochman, Steve. “Green Supply Chains.” Forbes. Forbes, 4 Apr. 2007. Web. 18 Sep. 2014.

When a company makes the decision to go green, it takes on a Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR). In his article, Hochmanexpresses how various firmsthat implementedthis form corporate social responsibility of have reported gaining a competitive advantage over its competitors as a result. The author mentions Starbucks and Hewlett-Packard as an example of how adopting green supply chains can help a company gain a competitive edge. Hochman continues to state that over the last decade, more and more companies have been seen to advance in theiruse of green supply chains and corporate social responsibility and he uses the article to support this observation through presenting relevant examples.

Stadtler, H., &Kilger, C. (2000). Supply chain management and advanced planning. Berlin et al.

In their book, Stadtler and Kilger try to explain what supply chain management entails and how it affects a firm’s planning processes. They argue that Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning Systems (APS) are vital to proper organization and optimization of funds, materials, information and product flow. This fourth edition of the books is mainly centered on fundamental concepts in Advanced Planning Systems. It concentrates its analysis on successful structuring of supply chains and Advanced Planning Systems. To provide better clarification, the book presents case studies analyzing different business sectors. Stadtler and Kilger (2015) opinionate that Supply Chain Management encompasses any aspect of organization in firms and the flow of information and materials within manufacturing and distribution of a product. Currently, firms are strengthening ERP systems concerned with order handling and execution with APS to achieve better flows, counter challenges and ensure timely delivery. The author is more concerned with structuring of successful supply chains and Advanced Planning Systems implementation using case studies and solution algorithms introduction for better understanding.

Wenzhong, Zhu. “Research on Offshore Service Outsourcing and the Related Issue of Corporate Social Responsibility.” Journal of Applied Sciences 13.8 (2013): 1220-6. Print.

With most companies resorting to outsourcing, there have been more and more ethical issues arising from outsourcing jobs related issues. Wenzhongexpresses key terminologies such as outsourcing, subcontracting, and off shoring. He also describes corporatesocial responsibility and its impact on planning. He discusses about the history of outsourcing as well as stakeholders’ theory. He also examines different outlooks and theories from different researchers’ that support or contradict on how outsourcingaffects different types of stakeholders. The author resolves that It is advisable for companies that wish to outsource to ensure that they understand international standards that govern social responsibility, as well as confer with their stake holders, especially those in the company’s host country so as to know their apprehensions in regards tocorporate social responsibility issues. The author concludes by suggesting that companies that wish to maintain their competitiveness in today’s market must adopt appropriate corporate social responsibility practices including effective and ethical supply chain management.

Beske, P., &Seuring, S. (2014). Putting sustainability into supply chain management. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal19(3), 322-331.

The author uses the book to study and describe supply management and its effects on a firm’s stakeholders. A conclusion can be drawn from both of them that supply management comprises of any measure or aspect that contributes to the determination of cost of goods and service production and the their meeting of the needs of the customer. They also support the argument that management of the supply chain tries to achieve efficiency at all levels in the chain. Levi et al. explain that management of a supply chain is difficult. They reason that this is due to the fact that different aspects of the chain get carried out at different places and therefore designing and managing the chain from one location, which is usually the case, becomes difficult. They conclude that uncertainty fills all levels of the supply chain, which hardens the management further. The aim of this report is to perform a critical evaluation of supply chain management.

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