Manliness Is a Goal That Every Man Ought To Pursue – Argumentative Essay

In every society, manliness is linked to varied ephemeral and cultural guideposts. Over time, some societies have been characterized by a crisis of manliness. While some men keep holding on to their past strongly, others are keen on redefining manliness in ways that strip it of its exceptional vitality (Dean, 2013; Gregg, 2009). Therefore, the characterization of manliness obviously ought to be hinged on a static and firm foundation. The characterization ought to be one that works across culture, place, and time, and is attainable for all men. There is a wide-ranging thinking that one of the critical virtues that men should have is manliness. Ancient Greeks, including Aristotle, frequently opined that manliness is leading a life typified by excellence and human flourishing (Aristotle &Reeve, 2014). Manliness enables men to act in ways that are directed by logical thoughts, which occasion excellence in own lives and the lives of their dependants. Even then, there are several voices, including that of Theroux (2011) in “Being a Man”, that project manliness as a vice. Theroux (2011) understands manliness as being characterized by stupidity, subservience, and heartlessness. In this essay, I demonstrate that manliness is a goal that every man ought to pursue.

The contention by Theroux (2011) that there is no justification for pursuing manliness is founded on untested premises. Theroux (2011) argues that men should not go for manliness as it is an unhealthy objective. He contends that it is unhealthy since it is socially hurting and emotionally draining. The support he presents to substantiate this claim is rather weak since he does not adequately show why manliness is socially hurting and emotionally draining. His efforts only stretch up to laying a basis for the blemished outcomes of how the society understands manliness. The basis is the contention that manliness makes men incapable of having natural relationships, or friendships, with females, a notion that Aristotle and Reeve (2014) refutes. As well, I do not concur that manliness makes men incapable of having natural relationships, or friendships, with females. He purports to demonstrate how sporting hurts marriages and societies and turns virtuous persons into potential rapists, louts, and sadists. Even then, he comes off as incapable of demonstrating the links between such sad outcomes and manliness. It appears that his conviction that manliness is bad is so strong that that he sees no need for demonstrating how it is socially hurting and emotionally draining (Aristotle &Reeve, 2014; Dean, 2013; Gregg, 2009). Rather than demonstrating the correlation if any, he goes on a self-probing mission on how that thinking personally annoys him.

Manliness is worthy pursuing since it makes men very suitable for the execution of their traditional fatherly role as protectors. Elementarily, the importance of protection, or fortification, is the need to put up and safeguard boundaries. Boundaries bring out as a sense of trust as well as identity. When boundaries are crossed, it is men who are naturally expected to act accordingly. Every man has a duty to safeguard the boundary between safety and danger, safeguarding family and community from natural disasters, human enemies as well as predators. To execute that role effectually, the man ought to have a characteristic that defines manliness: courage in the face of risk and danger (Aristotle &Reeve, 2014). (Dean, 2013; Gregg, 2009). The high testosterone levels in men aggravate their desire to face such risks courageously. Manliness helps men to add to own honor through the development and demonstration of skills in executing their protector role. Manliness enables men to bolster the reputation of their communities, tribes, or families. The reputation helps protects the communities, tribes, or families as it deters possible attacks from particularly human enemies as well as predators. The attributes of manliness that are rather relevant to the role include physical endurance, physical strength, competence in the usage of strategy and weapons, courage, emotional stoicism, physical stoicism, and voluntary admission of personal expendability (Gregg, 2009; Haley, 2013). Only males who pursue manliness can execute the role properly since the males have a high chance of being physically stronger than females.

Manliness is a goal that every man ought to pursue since it strengthens him in the execution of own role as a procreator (Aristotle &Reeve, 2014). The attributes of manliness that are rather relevant to the role include energy. Ideally, men are expected to triumph over passivity and remain, active doers, as they strive to gain ceaselessly. Men are charged with being initiators in every given endeavor, including in business and courtship. Procreation necessitates that men pursue women and impregnate them successfully, creating vigorous and large families. The families expand the male lineages (Gregg, 2009; Haley, 2013). Only males who pursue manliness can execute the role properly since they are naturally initiators in the courtship or seduction of females. Only males who pursue manliness can execute the role properly since they are full of potency as well as virility (Aristotle &Reeve, 2014; Dean, 2013; Gregg, 2009). m according to Mansfield (2013). Notably, the society has traditionally charged men with the role’s execution owing to their high sexual drive stemming from their high testosterone levels and their capability of having many children.

(Gregg, 2009; Haley, 2013). Only males who pursue manliness can execute the role properly since they are keen on creating more but consuming less, which is the definitive benchmark for manliness. Individuals come off as manly when they are capable of pulling own weight, serving as contributors rather than absorbing sponges, and being a boon to those around them rather than burdening them (Dean, 2013; Gregg, 2009). I concur with Dean (2013) and Gregg (2009) that individuals come off as manly when they are capable of pulling own weight, serving as contributors rather than absorbing sponges, and being a boon to those around them rather than burdening them. The individuals strengthen the reputation of own communities, tribes, or families rather than detracting the reputation via cowardice and physical frailty. The individuals strengthen the reputation of own communities, tribes, or families rather than detracting the reputation via electing fruitfulness over sterility. As well, the individuals strengthen the reputation of own communities, tribes, or families rather than detracting the reputation via the adding of valuable things to the pots of the communities, tribes, or families rather than taking away from the pots (Aristotle &Reeve, 2014; Gregg, 2009). I concur with Aristotle and Reeve (2014) that the individuals strengthen the reputation of own communities, tribes, or families rather than detracting the reputation via the adding of valuable things to the pots of the communities, tribes, or families rather than taking away from the pots. Men who pursue manliness are purposive constructors, giving off assertive and commanding actions, which add measurable things to the stores of their communities, tribes, or families. They are good and committed hunters and strive to have the requisite skill with tools, physical strength, determination, discipline, and initiative. Hunting parallels sex, sport, and battle. They are resourceful, clever, capable of maneuvering around impediments, and capable of solving problems creatively (Aristotle &Reeve, 2014; Dean, 2013; Gregg, 2009). They easily transform limited resources into valuable opportunities and items. They are self-reliant: manly men do not engage in shameful dependency but strive to remain independent. Manly men are generous with their communities, tribes, or families (Gregg, 2009; Haley, 2013).

Manliness is an objective that every man ought to chase. The pursuit of the objective makes men extremely appropriate to the execution of their conventional fatherly role as protectors. The attributes of manliness that are rather germane to the protector role include corporeal staying power, physical might, proficiency in the usage of the line of attack and weapons, nerve, emotional stoicism, animal stoicism, and intentional admission of individual expendability. The quest of the objective strengthens men in the execution of their role as procreators. The characteristics of maleness that are rather relevant to the procreator role include liveliness. As well, if at all possible, men should pursue manliness since they are providers. Manly men strengthen the standing of own communities, tribes, or families rather than jeopardize it via spinelessness and defenselessness.

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