OECD Convention Obliges Member To Make The Bribery, Corruption and Extortion A Crime Under Their Laws

Assignment Instructions

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Convention is an unusual international agreement in that it seeks to coordinate disparate legal and ethical systems in order to arrive at a minimum standard with respect to an important form of white collar crime. It obliges signatory countries, which now include all 30 OECD member countries plus a growing number of non-members, to make the bribery, corruption, extortion, and/or insiders trading of a foreign public official a crime under their laws. Why is this such a difficult policy to implement?

Sample Answer – The Organization for Economic Cooperation And Development

Many countries especially the developing countries have showed much interest in plans to combat corruption thus echoing the OECD Convention. This has however been very difficult to implement because of several reasons. Most of these developing countries have corruption going on as normal in their everyday life. The society has adapted and learnt to live with it and have considered it as part of their culture. This can be seen even in the government during the award of tenders and government contracts. This are bought and sold. Obtaining the civil documents also have to be paid for(Stasavage,& Daubree, 1998).

Another reason why the implementation has been difficult is also because several mechanisms in several countries help in the spread of corruption. The civil servants who are resistant to toe the line are actually sent away from the office. This forces most of them to play 0alongside the corrupt members so as to be able to at least get their monthly income.

The environment in which the public servants operate also helps to boost corruption. Public administration in most countries is in most cases inefficient and bureaucratic. There is also a very large number of the complex and restrictive regulations which are in most cases coupled with the inadequate controls(Stasavage, & Daubree, 1998). This sponsor’s corruption.

In most countries, the process of allocation of political powers is in most cases not fair. In some countries, political power has to be linked with economic power. In Morocco for example, once one has been able to access political power, they also have the chance to have economic privileges. In other countries as well, the political power can be bought or sold. In Philippines for example, political power such as a privileged-position in the patronage-based system can either be bought or sold. To sum this up, the process of allocation of administrative or political posts, in most cases the people with the power over decisions dealing with the importation of licenses or export of the natural resources is in most cases influenced by the gains that the person in power is likely to make from them(Stasavage, & Daubree, 1998).

These are basically the reasons that make the implementation of OECD very difficult in most countries.

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