
Use of Pharmacotherapies

The perspective that addiction is a disease has seen the use of drugs in the treatment of substance addiction. Although there has been extensive use of counseling in modern addiction treatment strategies, according to (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2009) those individuals who use drug in addition to counseling experience better rates of recovery. However, […]


Network Design Document For BLDRS-DC – ITCO103

ITCO103 Unit 5 Individual Project Network technologies can be employed in various ways to meet business needs. Developing a solution begins with a set of requirements that must be understood and addressed. Following is a scenario that requires you to use a variety of network components and technologies to develop a networking solution. When working


The Major Consequence of World War I on the United States Society

The World War I had major impacts on the European and American society both politically, economically and socially. Initially, the ideology of isolationism by the United States meant the country remained secluded and did not see the need to participate in the First World War (Dunn, 2013). The then United States President, Wilson, felt that


Reaction to “Developing alternative frameworks for exploring intercultural learning”

The article “Developing alternative frameworks for exploring intercultural learning: a critique of Hofstede’s cultural difference model” by Paola Signorini, Rolf Wiesemes and Roger Murphy, seeks to expose the flows in the cultural difference educational model as presented by Hofstede’s. The authors further propose new cultural dimensions that can be put into consideration when exploring the


Response to “An Eclectic Method?” By John F Haskell

In the article “An electric method?” by John F. Haskell, the author gives a summary of the various methods that are used in teaching the English language as well as a summary of how these methods have evolved over time. The author makes “eclectic” conclusions on each method discussed. The point of consideration is which


Police Mission – Fighting Crime or Public Service

There roles of the police has been changing since the inception of the profession in the United States. The roles of the police have been under progression since their introduction to the public in 1840s and 1900s (Kelling & Moore, 1998). The political era defines the time when the police were introduced to the public


Operations Management As A Competitive Advantage For McDonalds Restaurants

Introduction             Operations management (OM) is the key method of converting inputs such as proprietary information, labor and materials among others into inputs such as value-added goods, services and products. Operations management includes control of activity, motivating employees, assuring quality, managing inventories, scheduling, capacity planning and forecasting. Operations management focuses on accounting, production management, and


Merit Pay Grids Have the Potential to Undermine Employee Motivation

The merit pay strategy rewards the organizational employees for attaining well defined criteria of performance (Martocchio, 2014). If the employees do not meet the performance criteria, they are not rewarded. This remuneration strategy is based on the believe that the rewards will motivate the workers to work hard and contribute to high organizational performance. However,


The Developments of Industrialization That Positively and Negatively Affected American lives and United States in General

The Developments of Industrialization That Positively Affected American lives or the United States in General             The fierce competition among the European countries in the 17th century, led to competition for land, since the more land a country had, the more raw materials it had for its factories (Unyimadu, 1989). Consequently, Britain colonized America for


The Perceptions towards Addiction in My Culture

Although there have been great developments in research towards the problem of addictions and the possible clinical and psychological therapies, there remain unique perceptions towards the problem in many cultures (Gunzerath, Hewitt, Li, & Warren, 2011). In my culture, many people still believe that the addicts lack self-control and that their inability to exercise choice

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