
State Regulations for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Prescribers in California

Review state regulations for Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) prescribers in the state in which you live or the state where you plan to be certified. Summarize which agency/agencies regulate/oversee Advanced Practice Registered Nurse prescribing in your state. Summarize the educational requirements for prescribing as an APRN Differentiate the regulations in your current state and


Purpose of Joining an Accountable Care Organization

Urban and rural health care organizations throughout the industry are working together to coordinate care for Medicare patients. Accountable Care Organization (ACO) programs were established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to help facilitate this cooperation. Select a type of health care organization that would accept Medicare patients (e.g., family practice, hospital, urgent


Value of Having a Diverse Workforce

Over the last decade, the role of HR has evolved to include a variety of areas. These areas include, but are not limited to: (a) the value of having a diverse workforce, (b) inshoring and outsourcing personnel management, (c) repatriating employees from foreign assignments, (d) ethical leadership methods and corporate culture, (e) local and global


Chancellor Angela Markel – An Epitome of Effective International Leadership

The drive towards effective international leadership is currently considered one of the most prominent hallmarks of the 21st century. It traces its origins to the Second World War in what is, arguably, humanity’s darkest hour; characterized by overt belligerence and disintegration of international leaders. Global leaders failed to reach a compromise on several critical issues


Positional Power for Change

Describe how you are able to change the culture or core values of your organization utilizing positional power. Discuss how you would use different types of positional power to go about changing organizational values/culture. What would it look like? Use characteristics of your own personal values when answering the question. Predict the type of power


Uncovering Why Sex Crimes are Under-reported in the United States

Introduction Violent crime is a reality that contemporary society currently contends with. Sexual assault, in particular, is an appalling offense and considered one of the most atrocious deviant behaviors known to man. Legal, social, and administrative levels of society have responded promptly to this challenge by taking appropriate punitive measures which aim to dissuade potential


Major Criticisms of Political Science as a Discipline

What are three major criticisms of political science as a discipline?  Do you agree with these criticisms and/or solutions, and why or why not? Be specific in terms of (a) who has launched the criticism, (b) what their criticism is, (c) what are their proposed solutions to the problems being criticized (if any). Political science


After the Breakup:The Troubled Alliance between Volkswagon and Suzuki – Case Study Analysis

Summary             The decline in auto sales in the wake of a global financial recession prompted leading international carmakers to resort to radical strategies to remain afloat. One such approach entailed forming conglomerates to increase productivity and sharing of information critical to the development of ultramodern automobiles. In 2009, Volkswagen AG (VW) and Suzuki Motor


Who Influenced Western Culture the Most? Luther, Columbus, Gutenberg, or Charles Darwin?

The four men Martin Luther, Christopher Columbus, Johannes Gutenberg, and Charles Darwin played important roles in the society, influencing the paradigm shifts of in western culture. Luther was an important figure in the formation of protestant reformation; a movement impacted the western culture strongly by demanding religious freedom. Luther disagreed with the Roman Catholic doctrines

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