
Climate, Mental Health and Well-being

Climate change is a contemporary issue that was recently cited as a major threat to human health and well-being. The U.S Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) recognizes this existential problem and has been using the President’s Climate Action Plan 1 to lobby for immediate action on the matter (Balbus et al., 2016). What is even […]


Literary Analysis Essay – Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

Laura Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate was first published in the summer of 1989 and enjoyed wide acclaim in the author’s native Mexico. Esquivel was raised by loving modern parents who exposed her to literature at a tender age. Growing up around her extended family also meant that she had frequent interactions with her kin


Law Enforcement in the United States

As a prevailing practice, law enforcement occupies a central position in the United States and all its overseas territories. It is one of the three main components in the criminal justice system, working in liaison with the courts and the department of corrections. From the moment an individual is placed in custody, a series of


Innovative Approaches to Creating System Development Life Cycles (SDLC)

The deployment of any nascent information system often requires meticulously scheduled strategy. It involves the planning, creation, testing and deployment of all relevant concepts that system engineers require in order for them to come up with a fully-functional structure that will benefit consumers. Pursuant to this quest, the systems development life cycle (SDLC) utilizes a


A Comparison Of HIV-AIDS Prevalence In USA, Haiti And Rwanda

HIV&AIDS remains an immediate threat to human health globally. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the prevalence rates among general populations across the globe vary from one nation to another. As of 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 36.9% of the world’s populations are currently living with HIV&AIDS (“HIV/AIDS,” 2019). The numbers


Analysis Of Metaphysical Intersections in Frankenstein

Mary Shelley had her novel, Frankenstein published in 1818.  While reading it, I found many reminders of Christianity.  Obviously I’m not the first to notice or make these connection, David Hogsette had also made the connection, last summer, and wrote extensively about Shelley’s life and novel and of the connections he made between Frankenstein and


GOVT 220 Becoming an Informed Voter

Becoming an Informed Voter – Researching Your Congressional Delegation The research paper has 2 steps. First, you will analyze the background of your congressional district and your U.S. Representative. Second, you will analyze the political background of your state and 1 of your U.S. Senators. You may choose which senator to study; however, if one

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