Recent Cases of Child and Elder Abuse – Criminology

The elderly and children are special group of the population which is more likely to be prone to abuse. According the (Moua, Lor, Vang, & Xiong, 2016), there has been a rise in cases of child and elderly abuse in the United States. These abuses vary depending on the group and include psychological, physical and financial abuse for the elderly, physical and sexual abuse for children. The following are two cases of recent abuse for tan elderly and a child in the United States.

Horrific Torture and Killing of Scott McMillan, 3

Scott McMillan died on November 2015 after prolonged negligence and abuse by his parents (Sabin, 2015). Scott McMillan was often tossed to the ceiling and left to fall to the floor and the cries from the kid were reported as mere creams by his parents. His parents, Jillian Tait and Gary Lee Fellenbaum were said to repeatedly beaten the kid with frying pan and hanged him upside down and as they left for drinking spree.

Moreover, Scott McMillan was tied to the seat by electric tapes by his father, Fellenbaum, and abused (Sabin, 2015). He was also beaten when the boy refused to eat and left in the shower when his became unresponsive.

The case represents physical, psychological and emotional abuse of a minor. The medics who attended Scott McMillan revealed that the child had several scars both new and old; indicating prolonged physical abuse of the kid. These abuses caused physical harm as well as emotional and psychological torture to the young kid. The two parents went to a greater extend of tossing the child to the ceiling and leaving him to fall to the ground (Sabin, 2015). This created severe pain to the child. The local authorizes and the medics that attended to Scott McMillan revealed that the child had suffered multiple head injuries and punctured body.

A 71-Year old Woman Beaten by a 59 Year Old Man in Fresno County

According to the (Fresno County Sheriff’s Office, 2015), Brent Nelson, 59 of Coalinga was accused of kidnapping and causing physical abuse to a 71 year old woman. The sheriff’s office further notes that the victim was admitted in hospital with broken ribs, head injuries and punctured lungs. Nelson is 6’10”, 320lbs. while the victim is 5’6”, 130lbs. The two knew each and were considered friends for the past one year prior to the kidnapping of the woman. Nelson would occasionally visit the elderly to help her with her chores.

Nelson called the victim on December 9th 2015, offering to take her out for an ice cream (Fresno County Sheriff’s Office, 2015). This occurred after they had an argument before and Nelson told her that he wanted to make things right. On reaching Coalinga, Nelson told the woman that he had no money to pay for the ice cream. The woman offered to pay but told him that she had left her purse and told Nelson to drive her back so she could pick her purse. On the way, Nelson got upset and begun to beat the woman. On reaching the woman’s home, she tied her hands and leg, throwing her on the bed. The woman could not reach for her phone to call for help. However, Nelson drove back, untied her and begged her not to report the matter to the police. He stayed in her house all the night, leaving in the morning.

However, the victim informed a friend that she had been hurt and needed medical attention. On seeing the severity of the injuries, the victim’s friend called an ambulance, which took her to hospital. Although she had claimed that a stuck of wood had injured her, the Sherriff’s office later found that the woman had lied because she feared if she told the truth to the local law enforcement, Nelson would kills her.

Sheriff’s department in Fresno County took report of her abuse and found that Nelson could have been in possession of some fire arms. The offender was later arrested with the help of California high patrol. He was found to possess past criminal records and the case was placed under investigation.

The woman underwent physical and psychological abuse. The fact that the offender, Nelson tied the elderly woman after beating her subjected her to great pain and suffering. The woman was old and being tied, beaten and living under fear added more psychological torture to her.

How the Credibility of the Sources Were Determined

Although internet offers access to many published materials, it does not guarantee that all the contents are reliable. It is important that source of information is critically evaluated to determine its credibility. To ascertain the credibility of the sources of the information discussed, the publishing websites were scrutinized to ensure they were recently updated. The website that was used to obtain the information about the abuse of the elderly woman was government website, whose information was updated regularly. The website that provided the case on the child abuse was also recently updated, with physical address, in addition to telephone and email contacts. Moreover, the information from the website was published by an individual with professional knowledge in the area of investigative journalism.

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