Relevance Of Technology In A Work Environment

According to Miller (2012), technology implies the set of tools, which make it simpler to utilize, generate, manage and trade information. At all times, technology has always been present to help people in their daily lives. In the contemporary era, it makes little sense to lack a computer in the office for organizing and storing files. Technological advancements have affected various aspects of life including entertainment, communication, transport, and medical administration. This paper explores the relevance of technology in a work environment.

Incorporating technology in an office comes with a lot of advantages. In fact, it enhances the professional look of a business considering the fact that it is easier handling online and telephone enquiries in order to produce desirable results (Miller, 2012). In respect to organization of work, technology assists employees to save a lot of time through the use of well-organized systems of telephone transfer. Technology, also, assists organizations to employ electronic databases to protect the records of their clients (Miller, 2012). Encrypting such records ensures that only relevant authorities can access them.

Technology has, also, provided a lot of ease in screening for symptoms of psychological disorder. Electromagnetic brain simulation machines are some of the most common tools, which the medical field has been employing in respect to screening for psychological disorders (Taylor, 2000). However, with internet based equipment, it is easier for patients to be screened for any forms of psychological disorders right from their homes (Taylor, 2000).  In regards to advertising services, advancements in technology continue yielding a lot of benefits. For instance, the use of internet enables many people to access information about various products and services in the market. Technology has, also, changed the way people organize and handle meetings. For instance, a manager can send group e-mails to his/her staff to pass the relevant information, or organize it in a videoconferencing manner.

In conclusion, at all times, technology has always been present to help people in their daily lives. Technological advancements have affected various aspects of life including entertainment, communication, transport, and medical administration.

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