Role of Religion in Society – A Comparison of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim Religion Theories

Religion refers to an organized collection of believers who have worldviews of worship to the existence supernatural powers; many religious narratives have been forwarded to explain the origin and the meaning of life. In most scenarios, people may derive morality ethics which makes up the preferred lifestyle, however in 1965, the strong wave of migration brought new religion in the United States. It resulted to construction of new places of worship where many temples and churches began, the immigrants also brought new forms of Christianity and Judaism which later shaped the   language and the services in the United States, Although the introduction of religion was deemed to be foreign, The American   society adapted the religion hence the new immigrants came also to conform the existing religion, many old and new immigrants have been organized to a solid and cohesive religion

However, religion faith and religious organization remain playing the critical role in the society, for instance many people have  been able to find a solace for the inevitable human experience of death suffering and loss, also the heightened  and expansion of knowledge  has help in controlling the behavior of the believers. The unacceptability of death may be seen in the contemporary world different unlike in the traditional times thus forms part of a very day experience and the continuity of the new eternal living. Believers are given a chance to enjoy eternal life after death.

According to Warner (1998), Churches and religious organization n play a  vital role especially in the creation of community and other major  sources of  economic and social  assistance ,in retrospect of the past, many individuals would  turn to extended family  and the wider community  for social and spiritual comfort as well s ,material  support the  shared believes of the members of the society  motivated and enhanced trust  along the personal relationships, in this  case, the customary  religious practices  such as attending weekly services ,burning incense, lighting  of candles  and reciting of prayers formed a strong bond with American society, this activities  often took new meanings to the community ,(Carl and  Min 1995).

Furthermore ,churches too formed  the most  important source of  support  for the  practical problems faced during every day life, it involves helping those in need, and the poor  an d other charitable  works  which are directed  to fellow congregants, theories of the sociologist           Durkheim in  his theory book  analyzes religion as a social phenomenon. Durkheim attributes the development of religion to the emotional security attained through communal living. He associated it also with human feelings not only with another but also with the existing objects in the environment; he believed that religion is a unified system where believers and practices become the new sacred phenomena. He believed that those who adhere in American society would later evolve to become the new sacred phenomena.

On the other  hand, the renown sociologist  Karl Marx was among the famous philosophers who believed that  religion  contributes to capitalist society, in this aspect ,the economy of  the community lies on the culture that is being  influenced by  the believers, he strongly  argued that religion nurtures the  a stronger workforce  that strives also  to improve the living conditions of the community, an assumption was that the lazy individuals in  the society was a taboo hence were not allowed to eat because they haven’t worked,  these  according to       Marx highlighted that  religion is  closely linked the production activities in the community. Max Weber on his   understanding of religion was that politics was also inclined to religion because it influenced people behavior. His hypothesis identified that politics influences the unity of members thus members end up deciding how the leadership would be rolled out.        Therefore  the  choice of  political institutions is determined by the members ,the outcomes of community endeavors  contributes to uplifting the  economy to an average  income, the results according to Weber is influenced by the religion because of one believe ,hence  translates to  having  form leadership  who   have the needs of the community at heart. Ultimately, Durkheim, Weber and   Marx concluded that religion is an overall aspect that conditions the political, social and economic existence in the society, the American affiliations to religion  is   a conscious  exercise  which influence  and favors their daily chores.

In relation to the  current generational affiliations in  the United states, religion  has received  believers from the scholars, private and  public colleges  and universities  who represents  various disciplines and  faith perspective they all came together  to wingspread the need of shaping the America`s  religious culture ,public views has grown  and other nations diversity ahs extremely  increase hence it call for understanding of differences in  as well as the ability and willingness to  engage the differences  for the sake the common good, (Yang 2002).

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