Significance Of Core Values To An Individual And Organization

Values refers to  a set of guidelines  that regulates the conduct of employees in an organization, an organization is thought to be in order  especially when the moral direction of business is practiced, the mission and vision  statements  gives direction and energy to individual  hence form a basis of morale building. They express the integrity in decision making. The core values comprise of  Integrity, Hard work and Honest. Values  which are either at macro level or in material culture. Mostly, American schools teach their children good morality and  character which is enhanced through political speeches and media presentations. The required standard of behaviors is further reciprocated in workplaces

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American generally believes that the achievement an d success are based on high values a person sets in everyday life (Bansal, 2003).  Americans consider it significant to do things fast and constantly increases their efficiency. In American Constitution. It upholds the democratic values which are the fundamentals beliefs and principles of constitution for the American society which it unites them all, these values are expressed in states constitution, documents, speeches and even writings of the nation. The values like justice, liberty equality, diversity and truth.

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Walsh, Hinings and  Greenwood,(1981). The acquiring of values is a combination of attributes, behaviors and skills which being strengthened by behavior of  an individual career. The ongoing process and formal training are needed in promoting staff competencies and planning and their continuous development. An organization adhering to their principles is more important than the gains from their products taken to the market (Walsh et al, 1981). A situation to a manufacturing company Tylenol capsules which resulted to deaths because of poison in it contents. They confiscated those in the market by removing all since the  company believed  that their first responsibility   is to attend patients, doctors and nurses and the trust they had  to its consumers ,currently the company enjoys prominent households support  because of its guided  principles.

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Values describes  the beliefs of  a person such that once  we internalize values, this are the values which guides our behavior both consciously or subconsciously hence we behave towards different aspects as it emerges  from everyday life .For instance, values to an  individual   provides a standard  against the judgment of behaviors in the society. Individual values  helps in underpinning personal development  such as independence, tolerance and responsibility which at the end influences economic behavior  at social lane, the closed link between the values and economic development gives a clear  the relationship between the two variables and  is most frequently use  in order  to determine personal development where it is the mandate of the supervisor and employee working in partnership so as to ensure the attainment of both the  organization goals and individual objectives. To promote constructive workforce there is need to assist the employees to achieve career and individual goals.Values of an individual relates to their attitude behavior, social experiences and roles. However to clarify how work values and other aspect of activities relate there is need to explore the importance of work as a vehicle for attaining the cherished objectives. Individual values serves as basis of motivation as it specifies the distinct direction to be followed by an individual thus opposes the conflict with oneself.

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Organizations too rely on its core values as its based on the leadership whereby leaders are those with an underlying ethical and moral foundation. The management addresses the need for good morality and ethics that is inclusive in the leadership style (Simmerly,1987).

The influence between how organization and some factors of performance statistically correlate between the way an organization performs. It establishes a relationship to how both the organization and individual values grow which shapes them  into an organization culture. The significant of organizational values are strongly shown during the times of economic uncertainty, In this case, the existing values inspire the employees as well as the consumers of their products This helps form a powerful marketing tool because clear organization values are positively noted and they absolutely encourage potential buyers to buy company’s products (Kabanoff.Waldersee and Cohen, 1995).

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