Smoking Cessation – New Hampshire Community Program

The rate of smoking has increased year in year out in a small village in New Hampshire. As a result the village require smoking cessation program to help individuals quit from smoking.Smoking cessation program is a program that will facilitate the process of discontinuing tobacco smoking. Tobacco has nicotine, which is addictive therefore making the process of quitting habitually very lengthy and hard. The program will advise smokers to cease smoking and will offerassistance and follow-up to access to a smoking cessation treatment center for behavioral provision.

The smoking cessation program in this village is very vital as quitting at any age offers both instant and long-term health paybacks to community.Smoking in this village gets associated as a risk factor for many health problems. Most premature deaths instigated by smoking are due to lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (CDC, 2017).Therefore, since smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in this village, this program will meaningfully lessen the danger of dying from tobacco-linked diseases.

According to the local health department, there are total of 16.5% adult smokers with 17.5 percent men and 14.2 percent women in this village. Smoking is higher among individuals aged 18–26 years, 27–46 years, and 47–66 years than among those aged 66 years and above. With the highest group being the group aged 18-26 years. Smoking is high among persons living below the poverty level than those living at or above this level (Mooney et al., 2011). Additionally, smoking is high among individuals with low education than in those who are educated.

In this village, adult younger than 55 years are past smokers and began smoking earlier at the age less than 20 years.  They smoked more cigarettes in a day than older adult. However, most of them endeavored to quit smoking more habitually before the age of 35 and it is due to this that the most smokers are at the age of 18-26 years.

The age distribution and cultural demographic s will affect my local health care smoking cessation market in various ways. One, from age distribution, it is clear that young adult are current smokers therefore, have a higher tendency to quit smoking compared with older past smokers. As a result, it is easier to encourage young smokers to quit smoking than an adult smoker (CDC, 2017). Therefore, it will difficult for me to target one group with same strategy. On the other hand, the disparities of the culture and education among the smokers will call for me to market the same idea to the group of smokers but using different terms and background so that it can be in line with their culture and education level. However, this will increase the cost of market of the program.

Although the market for the program will be wanting, the outcomes of quitting smoking are vast. However, this is because smoking get involved in many health problem like lung cancer, coronary heart disease, pneumonia, peptic ulceration, impotence, infertility, skin wrinkling, and osteoporosis among others (Mooney et al., 2011). Additionally, even though, this smoking cessation program is a cost-effective technique of decreasing ill health, quitting at any age offers both instantaneous and lasting health benefits.

The program is the same with that of national health care market although the funding and the cost of running the program are different. The national program get funded by the government but in my case I will work with non-governmental organization to source funds for my project and will work with smoking cessation clinic in the village to reduce my cost through referring some clients to them. In my program, for the people who shows interest of quitting smoking, i would recommend offering a mixture of nicotine patches and another formula of nicotine replacement therapy for example gum, inhalator, pastille or nasal spray to persons who demonstrate a high level of reliance on nicotine (Mooney et al., 2011).

It is clear that this program will focus chiefly on reducing the rate of smoking among persons in manual groups, cultural groups and poor communities. A prompt about the health paybacks of smoking cessation and brief guidance will always be given at all chance in primary and secondary care.

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