How Social Constructed Realities Can Impact Organizational Effectiveness

Social constructed realities comprises of all the beliefs, norms, values and natural way of doing things that members of a given organization have come to appreciate as the accepted standards of operation. Whereas there may be no written laws or guidelines regarding such realities, they get established in an organization by virtue of continuous practice over a long period of time. It is worth noting that some social constructed realities can be beneficial to the organization and hence help sustain the organization over time. Some may, however, hinder the changes required in an organization in order to keep up with the dynamic world and business environment. The impact of such Social constructed realities on the effectiveness of any organizations can not go unnoticed (Bushe, & Marshak, 2012).

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To begin with, if any organization is to be effective in delivering its objectives it needs to  keep up with the ever changing world as well as conditions under which the business operate. The organization needs to continuously audit its structures and systems to ensure that they are up to date and are effective in delivering the objectives of the organization.

In the event that the organization is not able to meet its objectives, there is need for the diagnosis of the system and structures of the company. This is a process that helps organizations identify the root cause of the specific issues that affects the organization (Cumming &Worley, 2015). The very process of identifying improvement opportunities in an organization is a way of appreciating the need for change. Social Constructed realities blind the organization from seeing such improvement opportunities. The necessary change required in the organization.

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Any organization, that is committed to effectiveness, need to acknowledge the fact that the organization functions as part of a larger environment. The environment affects the functionality as well as the effectiveness of the organization. The organization therefore needs to be flexible enough to keep up with the changing trends of the environment. This, however, is hindered by the social constructed realities (Bushe, & Marshak, 2012)..

The importance of flexibility in organization’s structures and systems in adapting to the dynamic environment cannot be over emphasized. Social Constructed realities form a formidable force of status quo that maintains most organization in the same performance over a long period of time. The Social Constructed realities are motivated by the fear of change. Most members of the organization fear the effects that may come with change. In some instances however, people have perfected skills by doing the same thing routinely. This brings fear that a change in the organizational way of doing things may render them irrelevant. This fear makes them resist change and attempt to maintain the status quo. Self contracted leads to a since of self satisfaction to the level that improvement opportunities pass unnoticed. The group performance norms are part of the social contracted realities that resist change in an organization (Cumming &Worley, 2015).

For any findings and subsequent proposal of a diagnostic process to be useful in the improvement of the organization’s effectiveness, all stack holder need to agree and be committed to the process of change. The feedback of the process should motivate all the members of the organization to embrace change. In The event that this motivation is lacking due to some socially constructed realities, then change will certainly not happen. In some instances, the proposals of change may elicit denials and fighting back. This has the effect of causing anxiety, resistance and consequently inhibiting change in the entire organization. If positive change and hence effectiveness is to be realized in any organization, the diagnostic report needs to elicit positive energy and motivation that will be harnessed to problem identification and solving. Moreover, processes in the organization should be in such a way that they encourage change. Systems that make provisions for root cause analysis and continuous improvement ought to be in place in order to encourage and adopt fruitful changes. This can however, not be possible if the social contracted realities such as fear of change, Well learned skills, member complacency as well as group performance norms are still embraced in any given organization (Cumming &Worley, 2015).

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In Conclusion, beliefs, norms, values and natural way of doing things that members of a given organization have come to appreciate as the accepted standards of operation may hinder the effectiveness of the organization to a large extend. Sustaining the same method of doing things for a long time may render the organization ineffective and irrelevant in the long run. It is worth noting that some social contracted realities can be beneficial to the organization and hence help sustain the organization over time. Organizations that embrace values such as integrity and desire to learn are likely to change faster in response to this dynamic environment. Some may, however, hinder the changes required in an organization in order to keep up with the dynamic world and business environment. The impact of such Social constructed realities on the effectiveness of any organizations can not go unnoticed.

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