Argumentative Essay


You Are What You Eat – Sample Argumentative Essay

This paper elaborates the fact that an individual is a reflection of what one takes in one’s diet. Individuals with better sources of income can afford to take healthier diets compared to those who rely on food stamps which are mostly in form of junk foods. It is paramount to note that there is no […]


The Society Should Shun Homosexuals – Argumentative Essay

The term homosexuality’s root is a Greek term that means the same or similar. As well, it is thought to have originated from the term sexus, a Latin word, which means romantic or sexual attraction or conduct between same-gender members. Homosexuality, which is one of the commonest sexual orientations, is a persisting pattern or trend


Women Should Smile Less – Argumentative Essay

The overriding contention in the “Why Women Smile” essay by Cunningham (2011) is that women should express themselves less via smiles. Some people wear smiles, and you can tell from miles away that the smiles are a sham. Ideally, one smiles when he or she is contended and happy. Even then, I often come across


Females Are Evidently Different From Males – Argumentative Essay

By and large, from an early age, almost everyone realizes that there are obvious variations between female persons and male persons. The variations are mirrored in actions, emotions, and even attitudes. Quindlen (2011), in the “Between the Sexes, a Great Divide” essay, explores the variations. She comes off as convinced that girls and boys are


Advertising – Friend or Foe? – Sample Argumentative Essay

Advertising: Friend or Foe? Advertising in the United States has become an enormous and overwhelming multibillion dollar industry.  No matter where you go or what you do, you will be inundated with advertisements. By the end of an average day you will have seen over 5000 advertisments (Berry & Howe, 2005). Advertising has been around


Contingency Theory – Argumentative Essay

There are several theories that have been put across by very many people over the past years. These theories have been used in the day to day’s activities in various ways. Despite the critiques made, which are mostly expected, these theories have come up with explanations that can be deemed to be very meaningful. Some


Moral Guide For American Society – Argumentative Essay

Prompt What moral guide should American society use for making moral decisions, moral absolutism, moral relativism, or something in between? Sample Essay Individuals’ behaviors can be considered as right or wrong differently based on the cultural norms or believes of the observer. This means that an act that may be seen as immoral by one


Against the Death Penalty – Argumentative Essay

Personally, I am against the use of death penalty as a way of punishing those who have committed capital crimes. The Eighth Amendment to the United States constitution bans odd and cruel punishment and I think death penalty violates this constitutional requirement. By accepting to use death penalty to punish criminals who have committed violent


Why Students Should not use Computers in Class – Argumentative Essay

ABSTRACT Although computer use in the learning process has been hailed as a nascent way of facilitating education and promoting student engagement in the learning process, the cons of having such a curriculum are starting to be felt with students being constantly distracted during combined with lower grades attributed to lower conceptualization. This paper seeks

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