
Explore a comprehensive collection of academic materials focused on crime studies. Enhance your understanding of criminal behavior, justice systems, and prevention strategies.


Assault, Battery, And Crimes Against Persons

Assignment Instructions Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Compare and contrast the key similarities and differences between the crime of assault and the crime of battery. Provide one (1) example of each crime to support your response. Determine whether or not the jurisdiction in which the crime has occurred should […]


White Collar Crimes Research Paper

Introduction To understand and even debate on the subject of shaming of white collar crime perpetrators, it is important to know what the term itself means. White collar crimes refer to crimes committed by government and business professionals with financial motivation lacking violence. The individuals committing such crimes are usually of high social standing and


Variables, Hypotheses, and Relations – Homelessness and Crime

How do youth homelessness relates to crime? Homeless young people and delinquency is believed to have a relationship. The homeless youths can be categorized  in the following three ways those who leave home temporarily and then return;those who have left home and require some temporary assistance to make the transition to independence;  and those who


Is Crime Functional for Society or Not?

Crime is present in all societies worldwide, and there is not even a single society that is not confronted with the problem of criminality. The only thing that differs from one society to the other is the nature of crime because the acts that characterize crime are not the same everywhere. According to Vanamore (2013),


Digital Crime Theories – Choice theory and Social Process Theory

This paper discusses two theories: Choice theory and social process theory that a researcher can use to explain the cause of digital crime. Internet and computers, in general, play undoubtedly an essential role the current life situations making it significant to comprehend cybercrime dynamics and those people who become victimized because of it. Digital crime


Juvenile Crime In The Past 100 Years

The juvenile justice system of America has developed over the past century with notable differences that distinguish it from the adult criminal justice process. Advocates of juvenile justice supported the differences on diminished youthful offender accountability, legal understanding and youths’ greater amenability to treatment. A hundred years ago, Illinois legislature enacted Illinois Juvenile Court Act


Digital Computer Crimes Research Paper

Computer crime is any crime that has to do with a computer and a network. Computer crimes are criminal activities, which involve the use of information technology to get illegal, or unauthorized access to a computer system with the mind set of damaging, deleting, and altering computer data. Computer crimes are included but are not


Social And Environmental Explanations of Crime

Assignment Instructions Explain how social and environmental theories have provided a foundation for explaining criminal behavior. Explain possible consequences of limiting explanations of crime to social and environmental factors. Describe other factors that might be beneficial in explaining crime and explain why. Social And Environmental Explanations of Crime – Sample Paper The term crime is


Gender and Crime : Gender Theory of Female Offending

Introduction It is a fact that there is a relationship between gender and crime. Contemporary criminologists have more knowledge and crime than on age and crime and race and crime. However, most research focuses on factors that drive males towards crime. This is due to the fact that males commit most crimes. Sociologists have various

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