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Globalization and Diversity Impact on Healthcare Organizations

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment: Explain the attributes of a successful health leader. Describe issues related to globalization, power, followership, and culture change from a health leader’s perspective. Read also Impact of Mid-Range Nursing Theory on Healthcare Organization Course outcome addressed in this Assignment: Evaluate approaches to leading individuals and teams, and eliciting support […]


Analyzing Healthcare Policies – Obamacare

The United States has recorded tremendous changes in health care policies over the recent past. The Affordable Care Act or the ObamaCare is one of the best known aspects of Health Care Reforms in the United States. The ObamaCare was signed into law on March 23, 2010 (The American Occupational Therapy Association, 2014). The goal


Betsy Case Study – Applying Healthcare Ethical Principles

Applying Ethical Principles Health care professionals often face ethical problems during their practice that require them to use their moral values and principles when making decisions. The four fundamental principles of health care ethics—autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice—act as yardsticks for fair and ethical decision-making. These ethical principles are widely accepted in the field of


Article Summary – Clinical Nurse Specialist, a New age Healthcare, Implementation Challenges in Nigeria

Dauda, S., Yahaya, H. & Lola, N. (2015). Clinical Nurse Specialist, a New age Healthcare, Implementation Challenges in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Nursing and Midwifery, 4(4): 059-065. This article addresses the challenges facing clinical nurse specialist in the new age healthcare. According to this article clinical nurse specialist is an advanced nurse practice that


Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare

There is an increasing desire for effective and equitable medical services around the globe. This has not been possible because of the increasing demands and limited resources. There is also a limitation of health economics at the microeconomic level because of the limited information gathered by health economists in their areas of operation. There ought


Investigating Stereotyping In A Healthcare Facility

Having a safe and appropriate organizational culture involves developing employees understanding of how the patient population characteristics can influence clinical decision-making. As a hospital administrator, you hear some complaints and want to investigate whether the problem of stereotyping exists at your facility. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research various types of


Federalism in the U.S Healthcare

Federalism is a national system of government that has both central authority and autonomous jurisdiction in constituencies or states (Holtz, 2008). Without central authority, there cannot be overarching nation state. In the U.S, the Medicare is a national insurance program that is administered by the U.S federal government. This program has been running since the


The Role of the Executive in Healthcare Policy

The delivery of healthcare involves many stakeholders who work together to ensure quality delivery. These stakeholders include healthcare practitioners, regulatory bodies, research institutions as well as the government. The government has a particularly important role not only in terms of standards, facilitation and oversight, but also, in terms of policy development. The government safeguards the


Step-by-Step Guide of Collecting, Reviewing and Application Of Data to Make A Decision in a Healthcare Setting

A step-by-step guide of identifying the manner in which a person will collect, review, and apply data to make a decision in a healthcare setting. Data collection In order to reduce adverse trends in healthcare, hospital or clinic management require keeping correct data of the patients regarding their ethnicity, race and language. According to Walsh


Healthcare Innovation – The Google Glass

Innovation is now one of those drone words that means several things to various individuals such as advance in technology, discovery, or inventiveness. Regardless of its definition, steady and constant innovation has developed the medicine world to new and greater heights, and thus we are the recipients of the ever- advancing health care system (Hwang,

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