
Discover a wealth of marketing academic resources, including articles, case studies, and research papers, to enhance your knowledge and skills in the field.


Comparative analysis of integrated marketing communications mix strategy – Sainsbury vs. Tesco

Do a comparative analysis of integrated marketing communications mix strategy for Retailers: Sainsbury vs. Tesco Imagine that you are appointed as International Strategic Brand Manager for a mobile service provider of your choice such as Tesco . Given Sainsbury’s popularity within certain consumer groups it is one of your major competitors. Your company assigned you […]


Mazda Integrated Marketing Communications Case Study

Discussion Questions Analyze the role of integrated marketing communications in the marketing of automobiles such as the Mazda Protegé and MAZDA6. How is each IMC element used to market automobiles? Evaluate Mazda’s decision to drop the “Get In. Be Moved’ tagline for the Protegé and adopt the “Zoom-Zoom” theme for its advertising. Evaluate the strategy


Facebook As A Business Marketing Option

Marketing a business on Facebook is a simple as creating a free business page and continuously engaging with over a billion users who use this site regularly. Facebook has many tools applicable to small and large business marketing as well as powerful advertising options that enable business owners to engage with their customers directly. This


Gender differences in Advertising Media

The primary function of advertising to convey messages about products to consumers. However, the advertising industry also plays a vital role in changing individual perceptions and existing social norms. After their primary function is accomplished, advertisements can ultimately construct an image of how the world should look like, how the people within it should behave


Data Mining as a Business Tool

What makes data mining an important business tool? Data mining is an important business analytical tool because it facilitates the analysis of large volumes of data to find hidden patterns and relationships that cannot be obtained using OLAP (Laudon & Laudon, 2015). These patterns and relationships can then be used to guide future decision making


Quality Vs Quantity in Healthcare Marketing

The Great Marketing Debate: Quality vs. Quantity Healthcare marketing describes the various highly-segmented channels which involve both offline and online techniques established to evaluate and obtain the right patients with the aim of nurturing them to create a strong bond in their recovery journey. In this regard, healthcare marketing seeks to gain and retain customer


Marketing Assistant Job Description

Job overview This marketing assistant position at Deja’ Vu, a non-alcoholic beverages company that is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer, is for a creative and team-oriented person. The successful candidate will help in developing our marketing department by performing primary and administrative duties. This will involve organization and implementation of various marketing projects, performing various


MHM525 – Madigan Army Medical Center Marketing Strategy Assessment

Assess the marketing strategy of the health care organization Walter Reed National Medical Center, Army Medical system or Military Healthcare System) with respect to wellness and prevention. What are the limitations to the current approach?             The health of those involved in the operation of the health care organization at Madigan Army Medical Center is

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