Task 1 For Database Modelling Process – Business Narrative

Company Introduction

The database will be based on a business by the name YX Quality Sport Enterprise. YX Quality Sports Enterprise is a retail store selling sports products to all sports individuals of different disciplines. The business will develop a database system to hold all the business products and their details. Each product will be categorized based on the sport it is used in. The system will be used by customers to make online purchase, by sales person to display new arrivals and market them online, the inventory department to monitor on sales and to enhance new orders, by accountants to carry out business accountings and by the managers to obtain different business reports. The business sells sports products for different games that include soccer, rugby, handball, baseball, basketball, table tennis, and golf. The products extent from sport attires that include shoes, clothing, hockey, helmets and other protective gears, bags, balls, nets, playing sticks  for those who needs them among others. The business customers involve all individuals interested in sports. This includes individual customers and team players. The business caters for all customers of all age including young children especially with regard to sports attires. The customer only needs to identify the game he or she is interest in and all the relevant items will be presented to him or her. A customer will be allowed to review the available items to identify what is needed and to make a selection.

The business will use both online retail sale as well as stores sales. However, all sales made through the store must be document in the system for easy of accounting and to enhance job efficiency. Payment can be made online using a master card of a visa card or paypal for those who opt to buy online. Those who purchase in the stores can make cash payment or payment using their master card or visa card where possible. For those who will opt for online sales, the shipment will be done to the customers residential based on the provided address. Thus, the customers will be required to give correct physical address to enhance the shipment. THe delivery delay will highly depend on individual location. For those living in different states their shipment will be one via curio. The shipment for those living within the state their shipment can be done via the business pick-up or truck.

The sale reps are highly involved in products marketing. They are involved in advertising for the products using different means which include email marketing and also using other forms of marketing. They are also involved in posting new products and providing their description online. This includes their cost, appearance, their use, and other related products that they are used together with. The sales persons will be paid based on their piece work. The business will be an agreed fee for every item posted in the company’s website or advertisement. It will also pay different price for editing information posted earlier regarding an item. The report needed for the business will include the sales report describing items sold per day, their sport category, their quantity and money generated. The second report include the inventory report to assist in tracking the product in the stock and those that may need to be added, sales person report based on the new items posted per day and the number of editing per day to assist in computing their payments. Other reports include reports on shipment an order status among others.

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