Traditional and Emerging Fields on Organizational Behavior

Select a scholarly, peer-reviewed article for each of the traditional and emerging contributing disciplines within the field of Organizational Behavior (OB). The traditional disciplines are the following:
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Industrial Engineering

The emerging disciplines are the following:

  • Communications
  • Information Systems
  • Marketing
  • Women’s Studies

Using the above articles that you researched, prepare a 4–6 page paper, (not including the cover page, reference page, and appendices, if required), analyzing the influence of each of the contributing disciplines in the field of Organizational Behavior. Support your analysis with what you have learned from the course text, in addition to peer-reviewed articles. Use proper APA format and include in-text citations. Expound on the following questions in your analysis:

  1. Explain how the traditional disciplines have contributed to the field of Organizational Behavior. What concepts, theories, and philosophies of the traditional disciplines have been observed to play a role in the OB of your workplace?
  2. Evaluate how the emerging disciplines are now contributing to the field of Organizational Behavior. What concepts, theories, and philosophies of the emerging disciplines are now influencing the OB of your workplace?
  3. Analyze the influence of one of the disciplines, either traditional or emerging, on each of the following topics:
    • Leadership
    • Globalization
    • Diversity
    • Workplace Values and Ethics

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