Why Kingdoms of Ancient Mesopotamia Were Unable to Maintain Supremacy for Long

Fall of Mesopotamia Kingdom

Historians attribute the fall of Mesopotamian ancient empire fall to a number of reasons. Some cite the overcrowding that was said to result to pollution together with other reasons that include environmental changes and war. Cities of Mesopotamia were said to experience great pollution issues, inefficient collection of garbage and lack of indoor toilets which resulted to supplies of contaminated water and common epidemics. A significant observation denoted that the adopted irrigation methods were among the major reasons why the Mesopotamia Empire declined. According to Ancient Mesopotamians (2017) when irrigation water is permitted to vaporizein the field it leaves mineral salts behind. The mineral salts turned to be highly poisonous for the existence of the plants. When the irrigation water was drained the city also experienced erosion. The Region Rivers were situated higher compared to the surrounding plan due to silt built-up in the river beds. In this regard irrigation water flowed into the through gravity into the field. This water could not drain away easily once in the field since the field were lower compared to the river. The evaporation of this water resulted to mineral salts residue. The salt was drawn upward from the lower soil levels. This made the soil poor to support plant growth and by 2300 BC, the Mesopotamia agricultural economy started to shatter, since the soil could not support plants. This meant that the city could not support human life and hence there was fall of that empire.

Historian also discourse that wars were an essential attribute of the collapse. Sumerian was known to inhabitant the area initially.  Sumerian dynasty was invaded in 2400 BC by external forces; Akkad which managed to conquer it after being in the land for a very long period of time. This new empire only lasted for 200 years and it was conquered by another external power. There was Sumerian comeback (Guisepi, 1998). However, its last empire was destroyed in 2000 BC, and for about ten years, Mesopotamia was abode of confusion and chaos. Amorites in the 1900 BC captured the region and created a centralized government in a number of city states in the county. This was followed by Hittites inversion that signified the end of Mesopotamia old Babylonian Empire in the 1900 BC all the way to 1600 BC.  The city of Babylon was also said to have been conquered by Samu-abum following the collapsing of the Ur-based Empire in 1894 BC. He made Babylon a pretty city. His kingdom lasted until 1792 when Hammurabi took over. Hammurabi made Babylon a great empire, but his kingdom only lasted for as long as he was alive. The city was captured by Hittite ruler Mursili I in n1595 BC, who conquered the Hammurabi successor. Hittites also seized Marduk statue that represented the Babylonians principal god. From this time, the kingdom lasted without war for the longest time; 500 years. However, in 1200-600 BC the kingdom started its previous trends of war. The city got to war with Assyria and the city ruler was captured and Marduk statue stolen. However Elam was defeated by the new ruler Nebuchadnezzar who restored the god’s statue. A complex religious ritual was conducted was to safeguard the city and its gods. However, the city experienced various intrusions by Assyrians in the following years. This period experienced capturing by Assyrians for some years, rebellion, and destruction of their god’s statute. This happened in the midst of floods which made the fight a bit complex. The ruling was taken over by Nabopolassar who freed the Babylon and managed to conquer Assyrian (Jarus, 2017).

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