You Decide Scenario

Problem Definition

The salespersons in a service firm are dissatisfied with it and are not communication their disaffection with it straightforwardly. Indeed, the salespersons give the impression that they are contented with the firm. Rather than communicating the disaffection straightforwardly to the firm’s general manager, they lie to him that the firm’s customers are unhappy with it. Notably, it is clear that the customers are contented with the firm. Indeed, the firm is getting more and more customers over time, a proof that customers are contented with it. Concisely, the general manager is faced with salespersons that are unwilling to communicate their disaffection with the firm directly but chose to misrepresent their disaffection with it as that of its customers.


To get establish the real issue affecting the salespersons, the manager has three options. First, he can convene a meeting, or discussion, of himself, the salespersons, and the customers alleged to have indicated that they are unhappy about the firm. In the meeting, the salespersons are highly likely to voice out what the actual issue or issues are. Second, he can dictate that the salespersons write to him the real concerns that they have whenever they falsely report customer unhappiness. Third, the manager can have the salespersons open up and communicate the issues by offering them incentives that they may find irresistible.


The foremost option will have the salespersons communicate the real issues that they have to the manager. Even then, the salespersons will lose face in the meeting and may decide to quit employment by the firm. The second option will have the salespersons communicate the real issues that they have to the manager. Even then, the salespersons may take the manager as a dictator and may decide to quit employment by the firm. The third option will have the salespersons communicate the real issues that they have to the manager by incentivizing them accordingly. Even then, the incentives will be availed at a particular cost to the firm.

Own Values

I am averse to putting persons in embarrassing situations. I am inclined towards seeking the truth and acting upon it. I am keen on helping firms save on costs by lessening staff turnover. As well, I am convinced that truthful information is a key element in the resolution of every challenge facing any firm.


If I was the firm’s manager, I would have the firm incentivize the salespersons to communicate the real issues that they have to me. That would ensure that I do not place the salespersons in an embarrassing situation. The salespersons would be persuaded to offer truthful information about the issues facing them, assisting the firm to address the issues accordingly. I would have helped the firm save on costs by stemming possible staff turnover.

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