Author name: UniqueWritersBay


Preventing Juvenile Crime Through Social Process Theories

The following are the five selected programs and initiatives supported by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: Truancy Reduction Demonstration Program, Tribal Youth Programs and Services, Program of Research on the Cause and Correlates of Delinquency, Juvenile Drug Courts/Reclaiming Futures Program and finally, the Crimes against Children Research Center. The Program of Research […]


Prohibition Vs Harm Reduction In Dealing With Alcohol Problem

Prohibition vs Harm Reduction: Characteristics and Differences In 1920, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect, after having been ratified a year before, on the 29th day of January 1919 (Schrad, 2007). This amendment placed a ban on manufacturing, transporting, and selling intoxicating liquors.The federal enforcement behind prohibition drew its mandate from


Anti-discrimination Laws as Relates to Employment – Vacancy Announcement

Vacancy Announcement – Administrative Assistant Job Description: The Administrative Assistant under the leadership of the department team leader will providesupport services that must be accurate, consistent and of high quality. The Administrative Assistant will work closely with the Administrative Associate, the Programme Assistants, and the Regional advisors. Description of the job duties: Provide support in


E-Business And How E-Business Is Changing The Face Of Businesses Today

Technology has an impact in almost all aspects of our lives.  The internet has made it very possible for people to get products and services. Almost everything you need may be delivered right to your door step over a very short period. Every information about everything and everybody can be readily available on the internet.


Drug Abuse in Teenagers – Research Paper

Introduction Drug abuse is also known as chemical abuse, or substance abuse, it is a disorder that is exemplified by a disparaging pattern of using a substance that leads to major problems or distress (Ozechowski, & Liddle, 2000). Teens are progressively more engaging in prescription drug abuse, predominantly narcotics, which are prescribed to relieve severe


Role of Information System In Business

Information system  is kind of software  which helps  individuals  analyze and organize data in a systematic way of solving the  a  problem in the  organization hence promoting quick decision making  issues affecting the society, there are diverse and  specialized information systems  used in organization  that are designed to  support  specific tasks in the community. Essentially,


PSYCH 635 – Self Regulation of Learning – Research Proposal

Self Regulation of Learning In simple terms, self-regulation refers to the ability to develop, implement and maintain a certain behavior to achieve certain planned goals. It is critical for reliable emotional well-being of an individual. Self-regulation may be also defined emotionally and emotionally. As such, behaviorally, self-regulation may be defined as the ability of people


Delinquency Among The Adolescents – Criminology Research Proposal

Abstract The research proposal wholesomely seeks to establish the major contributing factors to the onset of the evident delinquency among the adolescents rationally.This study gets based in the United States. This research aims at establishing the possible interventions that can adequately be employed by the criminal justice system in their attempts to assist the young

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