Transformation from Data to Information to Knowledge to Wisdom (DIKW) in Practice

The DIKW refers to the component containing four corresponding concepts of , data, information, knowledge and wisdom. Data refers to signs which stand for properties of events, objects, and their surroundings which alone contain little meaning. Knowledge is created by discovering relationships and patterns between forms of information. Wisdom refers to correct employment of knowledge to explain or handle human issues. Wisdom is also used to refer to the ability to assess the knowledge ad information within the caring context, and employ judgment to make decision about care (Matney et al., 2016).

I experienced the transformation of data to information, knowledge, and eventually wisdom while working in an internship with a certain hospital as a nurse. The hospital was experiencing high cases of hospital fall. The hospital nursing department considered establishing a way to solve this problem. This was done by trying to establish the causes of falls and the most affected population. Data was collected by reviewing all fall reports filed in the past and those filed during the study. After collecting the data, the nursing research group tried to establish any similarities among all falls which included the age group of the affected people, their medical condition, places where these falls took place and the magnitude of damaged. The information was established that elderly people were more affected and most falls happened on their way to the washroom or while trying to get out or back to the bed.

It was also established that more falls were experienced in dimly light place (American Nurses Association, 2008). The research group was able to relate the situation with elderly weak physical energy, poor eye sight, and medical effects related with most of the conditions they were suffering from. This knowledge was used to establish the best solution which included proper lighting in the hospital, employment of side bed bells to ask for assistance to and off the bed and also in toileting. The hospital also started purchasing of low bed for elderly patients.  The collected data was able to be transformed into information, knowledge and wisdom which assisted in handling the problem that the hospital was facing at that moment and thus, reducing cases of fall in the hospital (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015).

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