

Efficacy of Alcoholics Anonymous and Religion

Introduction By the year 2007, there were about 2,000,000 members in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). AA is highly accessible as well as affordable part of treatment for many Americans who suffer from alcohol disorders (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, n.d.). Several research findings show that regularly attending and engaging in the AA’s programs improves […]


What are the most important aspects of Hmong culture?

Important Details of Hmong History and Cultural Practices In the late 20th century, in Laos, Hmong were treated as traitors and abused by the Vietnamese forces. The Vietnamese used to kill them for petty offenses such as stealing food. Between 1976 and 1978, the Hmong people made several attempts to escape Laos, but they were


Considerations when Conducting Psychological Research

Introduction A study conducted by psychologists to examine the experiences and behaviors of human beings is known as psychological research. Such studies can have occupational, clinical and educational application depending on the nature of data obtained. Traditionally, researchers have performed all kinds of experiments in the name of psychological research studies. However, some of these


Database Normalization – Sample Paper

Database normalization refers to the process of organizing data in a database. Normalization tries to attain two goals. It strives to eliminate redundant data and ensuring data dependencies can make sense. Storing the same data in one table is one of the examples of eliminating redundant data. On the other hand, storing only related data


Facilitating Strategy Formulation

Strategy formulation is the process by which an organization chooses the most appropriate courses of action to achieve its defined goals (Saylor Foundation, 2012).Interpersonal skills are living skills that are used when communicating and relating with other people on a daily basis, either independently or in groups. Intrapersonal skills refer to capabilities or talents that


Assault in New York Criminal Jurisdiction

The Crime in Question On vacation to the US State of New York last summer, I witnessed a violent assault as a man physically attacked a supposed girlfriend at a bar just outside of Brooklyn. Violent assault makes for a common crime in New York outskirts such as Brooklyn. Most cases involve mostly domestic assault


Five Distinct Steps of Strategic Planning Process

Strategic planning process involves five distinct steps that can be summarized as; identification of the organization’s mission, location of organization’s objectives, situation analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and control (National Alliance for Media and Culture, 2009). This paper provides a strategic planning and management process for Hospital Corporation of America. Hospital Corporation of America provides


A Comparison of Apple and Samsung Companies Business Strategies

  Introduction The international smartphone industry is one of the strongest and quickest developing commercial ventures today. There is no indication of it softening at whatever time soon. The expanding demand and growth for smartphones is influenced by the huge numbers of developing nations that are coming online. Cell phones have experienced real changes since


Chronic Pain, Symptoms, Diagnosis And How To Cope With It

Chronic Pain Estimates show that in America alone, over one hundred million people are victims of chronic pain. The definition used is pain that one has to endure for a period of over six months. The pain normally comes with different intensity where at times it can be mild, at times excruciating and at some

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