

The Historical Significance of Vatican City

Vatican City is perhaps one of the most recognized historical locations worldwide. It was established in 1929 as the smallest independent state in the world, with an area of 44 hectares. Embedded within the confines of Italy, the notorious city-state is special for being one of three other countries in the world that exist as […]


Current Status of the United States Healthcare System

The modern American healthcare system is more complex and significantly different from “what it was” in 1988. The observed changes can be traced to the transformation of the system from a customized indemnity plan to a managed care system. Indeed, the system continues to evolve today with variation of costs being the most recognizable source


The National Coalition on Health Care (NCHC)

The NCHC is a partnership of groups working to attain a comprehensive health system reform. The two-decade-old organization is nonprofit in nature and represents over 80 other participant organizations, including healthcare societies, unions, business, health care providers, insurers, faith-based organizations, patients, as well as groups representing different groups in the society. Cooperatively, the NCHC acts


Tim Smit’s Effective Leadership in The Eden Project

The modern business environment has sparked a new generation of approaches to leadership which is fundamental to the success of any modern organization. Leadership revolves around the art of inspiring and bringing about change in the organization by attaining efficiency while showing concern for others welfare. This means that effective leaders should be responsive to


Strawman, Black and White, No True Scotsman – Fallacies

Strawman             The strawman fallacy is a form of argument where a narrator or speaker gives the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument but either misrepresenting, exaggerating, or distorting it. Typical strawman arguments create an illusion that the objecting person has refuted the opponent’s claim, rendering it false. A fitting application of this fallacy can


Maasai Music and Dance

Summary The Maasai are a Nilotic ethnic community inhabiting parts of Northern Kenya and Central Tanzania (Morner, 2006). According to their oral literature they originated in the Nile valley and migrated south in the 15th century to their present occupation of areas predominantly around major tourist attractions such as game parks and great lakes. The


Bitcoin and its Impact on The F1040

Bitcoin is a virtual currency that is based on block chain technology that uses cryptographic protocol. It is therefore not issued by the central bank and not controlled by any financial regulatory body, authority or government but by software algorithms that may be subject to hacking. The participants provide computing power, record and verify the


Tracing the Path of Sperm from Production to Ejaculation

The path of sperm can be traced from the seminiferous tubules of the testes where the sperm is produced, to the epididymis where the sperm undergoes concentration and maturation, to the ampulla of the vas deferens, to the prostatic urethra, the urethra and finally ejaculated in to the vaginal canal. The production of sperm is


Popular Culture and the World Cup

Popular culture is defined in sociology as referring to the accumulation of cultural products that are consumed by majority of the population and provide mass accessibility, commentary on and inform public discourse. Such products may be in the form of: music, art, literature, fashion, dance, film, cyber culture and television. In this paper, features of

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