

ANCC PMHNP Certification Exam

Checkpoint for Certification Plan National certification is a most momentous chapter for would-be licensed nurse practitioners today.  It is particularly vital for any aspiring Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioners (PMHNPs) as a test of mettle, ability to meet set prerequisites, and surviving rigorous preliminary evaluation by the esteemed American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). The main objective […]


Linda W. Belton Leadership Vision

Today, leadership vision is undoubtedly one of the most valued and significant tenets of governance. The principal reason behind this relative prominence is its ability to foster a strong sense of direction in leaders by sanctioning concentration only on important matters. Leadership vision creates an elaborate plan for realizing success by reviewing the past, acknowledging


Challenges Facing Health Profession

Discuss two challenges facing the health professions. What are two policies that would address those challenges? What are the politics of those policy recommendations, if any? You may write about the health professions in general or choose a specific health profession to write about. Make clear in your entry if they are policies already adopted;


Corruption In Public Organizations

How does corruption come about within an organization? Corruption in an organization starts with simple unethical behavior such as covering for each other as a form of favoritism, small scale embezzlement, to serious bribes and kickbacks mostly for a client or an employee to get more than he or she qualifies for. Corruption can include


Land Clearing – Environmental Harm in Australia

Over the past century, the exponential increase in human activity has had far-reaching consequences for ecosystems globally. Australia has recently been identified by the Word Wildlife Fund as an epicenter of environmental degradation and currently among the top 11 countries with the highest land clearing rate (WWF-Australia 2020). Land clearing is of great significance in


Three Categories of Organizations

Description of Each Category of Organization There are three categories of organizations. They include profit-making private organizations, government or public organizations, and non-profit organizations. A profit-making private organization is an individual owned organization that exists basically to generate profit. The owners employ business strategies to gain business operation efficiency in the quest of reducing cost


Parkinson Disease – Annotated Bibliography

Balestrino, R., & Schapira, A. H. V. (2020). Parkinson disease. European Journal of Neurology, 27, 27-42. This article offers a general and comprehensive analysis of Parkinson’s disease, focusing more on the disease prevalence in Europe. The article discusses the disease epidemiology and risk factors in Europe, where the older population of older than 60 years


Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – BUS 360

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed on December 22, 2017 and produced some of the most significant impacts in tax law in over 30 years. Research the tax reform changes brought about by the Tax Cuts and Job Act, analyze the impact these changes have on individual tax payers, and identify related tax


Workplace Safety for Roofing Supervisors – Training Program

Need for Training and Development for Roofing Supervisors             A recent rise in the number of serious roofing accidents among staff working for Alliah Construction has warranted the need for training as a measure aimed at drastically reducing the number of onsite incidents. Safety training is particularly essential for roofing supervisors especially since a report

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