

Ethics, Intelligence & Technologies in Homeland Security

Congratulations! Given your education in homeland security, you have been newly hired to work within the DHS Science and Technology Directorate. Your first assignment, intended to leverage your exceptional research and writing skills, is to gather information about ethical considerations for the use of technology to meet selected homeland security objectives. Although DHS has assigned […]


Civil Rights vs Civil liberties – PowerPoint Presentation

Civil Rights The term civil rights is used to imply that the state has a role in ensuring all citizen have equal protection under the law and equal opportunity to exercise the privileges of citizenship regardless of race, religion, sex or other characteristic unrelated to the worth of the individual (United States Department of Justice,


Mr Smith Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Scenario

Patient Scenario Information (copied from syllabus). Mr. Smith is 60 years old. He was diagnosed with a prostate cancer five years ago. Over the past few days, Mr. Smith has been feeling weak and increasingly tired and has also been suffering from a headache that did not respond to over-the-counter medications. He scheduled an appointment


Telomeres and Ageing Research Paper

Telomeres are lengths of repeating sequences (TTAGGG) that cap each end of a chromosome. As errors in transcription most commonly at the ends of a chromosome, these caps act as “crumple zones” to protect the coding sequences within from being affected. These caps are shown to shorten over time as the individual ages, Futcher and


Technology as a Threat to Privacy – Technophobia

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has evolved rapidly over the past century. This has transformed the people’s lives as well as the society in a more profound way (both positively and negatively). Technology advancement has led to numerous benefits globally. However, it has brought with it several ethical challenges. An example of these challenges is


Technology In Human civilization

Human civilization has appeared to be moving forward with an ever-increasing vigor of technological and intellectual advancement. Technology has made our lives much easier, faster and productive than ever before, and it continues to do so by the passage of time. Sadly, in spite of all the advancements we are achieving with the help of


Child Obesity and Negligence – Psychology Study Paper

The topic considered for analysis is “Child Obesity and Negligence.” The paper aims at establishing the impact of negligence on the health of children. After the study, it was established that children between the age of 2 and 17 have been worst hit by cases of obesity (PSY_635_Week_1.dox, n.d). Indeed, the occurrences of obesity among


Mental Health Case

Assignment For this week’s newspaper article, you decided to write about mental health. You chose this topic because of the experiences of two of your friends, Martin and Sally. Here are their stories: MARTY CLARKSON Marty had been released from a provincial psychiatric hospital after having been admitted recently for intense psychotic symptoms. At the time of


Mastitis in Animals – Research Paper

Mastitis is a contagious disease among mammal animals all throughout the world. It causes rapid decrease in milk production, serious injuries to the infected animal, sometimes even leading to death, and bears public health risk. It is therefore an issue of global concern nowadays, and the animal scientists are attempting to discover newer methods for


Preventing Employee Theft at Mogel’s Inc

This paper presents a list of improvements for Mogel’s Inc. that can assist in prevention of fraudulent activities. This comes after Mr. Stefan Winkler who was the director of accounting at Mogel’s Inc. (Beverage Company) swindled the company cash affecting the entire operations in the company. However, there are various improvement steps, which the company

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