

Predictive Informatics, Healthcare and Genomics

What are some of the ethical and social implications of predictive informatics in health care? Over the past decade, predictive informatics has emerged as the potential future of healthcare globally. Yet, it still remains imperative to consider key ethical and social implications of this new reliance upon predictive informatics. A major ethical concern associated with […]


Human Trafficking in the USA

The United States prides itself as the “land of the free.” However, with human trafficking now being a multi-dollar billion industry and cases increasingly increasing in the US, slavery is still alive. Human slavery qualifies as a modern form of slavery. Traffickers subject victims to various conditions of modern-day slavery, including sex trade, forced labor,


Paula Legal Claims against Capstone Corporation

Paula and Capstone Corporation Scenario Paula’s bad luck continues. Five days after the events detailed in your last assignment, Paula returns to work at Capstone Corporation. Unfortunately, she used her company e-mail to send her mom a personal note about her injuries, despite being aware that Capstone’s company policy prohibits use of company e-mail for


How the Construction Industry can Contribute to the Sustainability of Life on Earth

Introduction Sustainability has become a popular and crucial public agenda over the last few decades. Efforts made by international pressure groups, governmental and Non-Governmental organisations such as the U.N. have compelled business organisations to make sustainability one of the core agenda of doing business. Different industries across the world have varying views on sustainability. In


Genealogy of Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Efforts within the United Kingdom

Today, modern-day terrorism is principally looked at as a serious global threat that warrants immediate attention. Its extensive scope, dynamic nature, and the number of nation-states impacted negatively by associated aftermaths has now forced many to resort to formulating elaborate counter-terrorism strategies to remain one step ahead of their adversaries. The United Kingdom is among


Main Principles in the US Constitution

A sovereign nation is run by the government, judicial bodies, citizens, and most importantly, the Constitution. This is why the US Constitution lies at the heart of both America’s historical greatness and uniqueness. When the framers of the Constitution, several principles undergirded their efforts, acting as the building blocks. Among the said principles, the main


Energy Efficiency in a Hospital – Sustainability Initiative Proposal

Assignment Instructions Select a health care setting you want to focus on for your sustainability initiative (e.g., local hospital, veterans hospital, ambulance service, urgent care, nursing home, etc.). Analyze the setting you have selected and break it down to the main departments, employee roles, operating activities, etc. While doing so, brainstorm opportunities to reduce costs


Information Technology Project Plan For a Start-up Company

CIS498 IT Capstone Scenario You have been made the Chief Information Officer and Chief Technology Officer (CIO / CTO) of an innovative e-Commerce start-up company that a venture capital group has funded. The CEO has given you sixty (60) days to deliver an information technology project plan in anticipation of the company locating to a


Virtual Reality Technology and Revolution in Healthcare

The field of healthcare is undergoing a massive scientific change and revolution as a result of technology. One disruptive technology that is rewriting the delivery of care is virtual reality (VR) technology. VR is the use of computer simulation and modeling technologies that facilitate interaction with three dimensional virtual and sensory environments. VR technology was


Cask of Amontillado – Psychoanalytic Analysis

The theory of psychoanalysis is based on the self-honesty in that a person is shaped by their experiences. An individual who is completely honest with themselves is more likely to be aware of their characteristics. The workings of the theory are patent in Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.” The story depicts a character

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