Challenges Related to Writing Case Briefs

There are varied challenges that the researcher faced when writing own case brief (Hames & Ekern, 2015). First, the researcher spent marked amounts of time in rereading many cases to find the pertinent information since the cases were replete with information and dense. He dealt with the challenge by annotating the relevant cases. He reduced the period he spent going over each one of them by annotating the related casebooks’ margins using a pencil. He used the pencil in marking off the varied parts of the cases, including their facts, conclusions, and procedural histories, consequently allowing himself to clear own mind of many thoughts. The annotation provided the researcher with a helpful resource when he was briefing, as well as reviewing, specific cases. The annotation helped the researcher make a well-constructed, as well as sufficient, brief as it could not accommodate everything related to the subject case (Jordan, 2001).

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There was a need to reference the elementary proceedings and cases related to the then present case. That helped in the rereading of the relevant dicta, which may not have come off as significant then. It helped in the appraisal of the relevant sets of facts and procedural histories. It helped in scouring the related rationales for a good appreciation of the then case at hand. The annotation of the relevant cases helped guide the researcher to the relevant components of the cases, serving as a roadmap to the components, refreshing his memory, and restoring the thoughts he had regarding the case then at hand (Kerr, 2007). Overall, the annotation reminded the researcher of arbitrary ideas and forgotten thoughts on the case by affording him a personal comment medium.

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Second, the researcher faced a challenge in digesting and reviewing particular cases, which were intricate, and utilizing them in extracting specific information. He dealt with the challenge by highlighting: he used varied colors in reviewing, as well as referencing, the cases. Particularly, the researcher highlighted case sections that represented the required information for own brief (Jordan, 2001). The highlighting provided him with an excellent approach of color coding cases. When the sections were coded, it was easy to refer to the corresponding cases. Notably, the researcher used highlighting as a typical personal tool. Consequently, he used the same to the degree that it helped. Even then, he at times modified it in ways that made it personally beneficial and time-efficient. For instance, in some cases, he thought it wise to combine the utilization of margin-based annotations with the illustrational advantage of textual highlights when he was formulating the case brief.

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