Coca Cola Internet Marketing Campaign Analysis Paper

As the world’s leader in carbonated soft drinks, Coca Cola runs a market in more than one hundred and fifty countries around the global. According to Bhasin (2016), Coca cola produces eighty and sixty percent of its operating profit and revenue respectively outside the borders of the United states. He further stresses that both Coca cola’s logos of the white and red are known to more than ninety percent of the world’s population. This illustrates how effective Coca Cola‘s marketing campaign across the globe is. Curd (2015) states that “the international presence of Coca-Cola is phenomenal and its logo, advertising and colours are among the most recognized in the world” (p.2).Therefore in this essay an analysis of Coca Cola’s marketing campaign-that has made it one of the most successful cooperation in the world-will be made.

The first step of formulating a successful marketing campaign begins with a set of precise objectives that paint a clear picture of what the company’s aims are. In this step, specific goals that may help to propel the campaign are made. It is also of paramount importance that during formulation of objectives that real statistics be incorporated as this will play a greater role in determining the overall budget of the marketing campaign and confining this budget with in margins that are lower than the expected revenue (Bhasin, 2016). It is also important that the objectives of the campaign are within a defined timescale so that the marketing campaign gets the time it duly deserves. In regards to Coca Cola, their objectives are to: increase their sales, communicate to their target audience about their products and elevating/ strengthening the coca cola brand. This step is followed by defining the target audience that is performed in order to comprehend who the clienteles are and reasons behind their continuous royalty to the product. This helps to tailor the message of the campaign to attract new customers basing on their needs or re-assuring the old clientele about the product. In internet marketing, internet based questionnaires is one of the effective ways of gathering information about customers’ royalty towards a business or a particular product that is being marketed (Bhasin, 2016). Another way of collecting this information is having customers to render their opinions whenever they step into to store to buy the product. This knowledge helps to determine who the targets of the marketing campaign are. Coca cola’s marketing campaign generally targets people from all spheres; young, old and sports audiences. Therefore coca cola’s marketing campaigns usually target all sorts of these audiences.

Evaluating the competition has always been at the core of the marketing campaign. This involves knowing who the competition are and knowing what they offer as compared to the product that marketing campaign is aiming to get on to the shelves. This evaluation involves visiting websites of competing companies to gather information about them or running by them a series of inquiries and assessing their response to these inquiries (Bhasin, 2016). As result the marketing team may pick a few pieces of advices that may further perfect the campaign. The end result of this evaluation step is the definition of the company’s unique selling points (USP).The definition of these unique selling points helps marketing campaign to craft precise massages that will be used during the campaign. In addition, also required during this evaluation step of marketing is the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. SWOT analysis is essentially jotting: a list of what the companies does better than its competitors-Strengths; areas in which it needs to improve in order to catch up to its competition-weaknesses; areas that may out of the company’s control but may be promising to offer the company new prospects-Opportunities and areas that the company may not have control over but a likely to cause damaging impact on to the company-Threats.

According to Bhasin (2016), Coca Cola’s strengths include: its huge market share, its presence in almost all parts world, its carefully crafted appeal to customers and its recurrent advertising among others. Bhasin (2016), contributes some of Coca Cola’s weaknesses to its competition with other tough brands in the same market like PepsiCo; low response to diversification into other sectorsas compared to PepsiCo, its ineffectiveness in putting more healthy products on to the shelves and its poor management of water resources especially in regions that are suffering from water scarcity water (Curd, 2015). Among some of Coca Cola’s Opportunities include: more engagement in developing countries’ markets, improving is logistics sector that is a core part of its supply chain and advertising more of its products that sale less than the ones that sell more.Coca Cola’s threats include competition from other unintended competitors that are offering healthy substitutes to coca cola’s products and problems with water sourcing especially in regions where water is uncommon.

In conclusion, basing on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis of Coca Cola, the company should adopt a marketing strategy that emboldens Coca Cola’s global outreach since brand awareness is one of the company‘s strengths. Water is a major raw material for Coca Cola thus the company should pursue a marketing strategy that targets countries with abundant water and re-evaluate its businesses in countries with limited water supply. Coca Cola may improve its transport and distribution sector so that it can transport its products from countries with water and deliver them to countries with limited water supply rather than manufacturing them in these countries. Lastly, Coca Cola should embark on an intensive advertising campaign for its less known products whilst relating them to its well renowned brands.

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