Examples of Time Away from Work Policies in Private-Sector Organizations

All companies have various policies that govern different forms of leaves in the workplace. Some of these policies are guided by the federal acts such as Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA). Some of these leaves are paid while others are not paid based on specific company’s policies. They also vary in number of allowed days based on the company preference. Some of the time away from work policies applied in different private companies include Vacation, sick or medical leave, Family care leave policy that include childcare leave, parental leave, and maternity leave. Other than normal leaves advocated by the government, some companies also offer short-term and long-term leaves for personal development through education, also called sabbatical leave, and bereavement leave. One of the most important leave policy included by almost all private companies is the family care leave policy.

Family Care Leave Policy

This policy is structured to permit parents to care for their new born and developing children, and for male parents to take care of their partners during birth process. This policy according to Wassell (2014) was structured for parents to have spillover impact which increases the children wellbeing and the wellbeing of the probable future generations. Most companies define the days for both maternal and paternal leave where the workers are paid. However, any extra days that an employee take for family care beyond the defined days are not paid. For instance, Facebook Company offers six weeks of paid family leave for its workers to care for their sick family members. The company also offers bereavement leave of 20 days to its employees. Starbucks offers payment for six weeks maternal leave, six months paid parental leaves for both parents in Etsy, and upto one year of paid parental leave for new parents in Netflix (McGregor, 2017).

Paid Sick Leave Policy

The United States is the only developed nation without universal admittance to paid sick leave. Nevertheless, stressed by epigraph, sustenance for paid sick leave has substantially grown in the last decade. Sick leave decrees have been implemented in Portland, San Francisco, New York City, Washington D. C., and Seattle among other states. According to Collier (2014), a strong sick pay coverage rationale is promotion to public health. With no sick pay, contagious workers come to workplace sick a situation the initiates spread of diseases and negative externalities. According to Collier (2014), the private sector in the US contain very minimal generous sick leave policies such that about 40% of the country workforce population fail to get even a day of paid sick leave. Generally, the average rate of absenteeism due to sick leave in the United States is as low as 4 to 5 days annually, with most cases being recorded in the public sector. Most of the private companies in the country apply the federal act of Family and Medical leave which demand that they must provide unpaid leave to certain workers to take care of their family members or children. Only a few provide paid leave for personal of family care during sickness.

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