Major Changes in Political Structures, Social and Economic Life During The Song, Tang and Sui Dynasties

Major Changes in Political Structures, Social and Economic Life During The Song Dynasty

The Song Dynasty was confirmed to start in 960 AD and ended in 1279 AD, and it consisted of the Southern Song that ruled in between 1127 to 1279, and the Northern Song that reigned in between 960 to 1127. With regard to affluent economy and glowing culture, this juncture was witnessed as the next period of ‘golden age’ that followed Tang dynasty that ruled in between 618 to 907. However, this leadership was confirmed to bring about various changes in Chinese country and these transformations were experienced in political, social and economic fields (Nutton, 2004).

Economically, the Song Dynasty was confirmed to facilitate prosperity in various respects of the society. For instance, in agriculture the production technology was advanced through promotion of output of food. The handicraft industry also started division labour, hence becoming more detailed into an extent of reaching to advanced level. Moreover, the improvement of the commodity financial system also exceeded the potential level, primarily on there was noticed an improvement on the earliest paper currency which occurred at this period.  Culturally, there was experienced a development of cultural issues, where tremendous achievements were attained during the period. At this juncture, both of four China’s inventions, that is, compass and typography were both invented and this lead to development associated with gunpowder for the security purpose. Furthermore, large number of outstanding poets and scholars including Su Shi, Zhuxi, Shen Kuo and Ouyang, emerged and instigated the splendid cultural atmosphere for the Song dynasty (Harry Rothschild, Alon & Fetscherin, 2012).

In the view political impacts, the Zhao Kuangyin was confirmed to launch a mutiny within Chenqiao in 1960 (within the current Henan province). Moreover, the King of the Latter Zhao was pressured to relinquish as a result of formation of this insubordination. As a result, the new dynasty was formed within Kaifeng. Moreover, the Song leadership was also considered to facilitate unification of China’s territory.  While summing up, this government was cumbered by higher political corruption that led to decline of opinionated activities within China (Nutton, 2004).

Major Changes in Political Structures, Social and Economic Life During The Tang Dynasty

The Tang dynasty emerged in AD 618-609 and 705-907 where it was deemed as an imperial dynasty of China heralded by the Sui dynasty and pursued with the Ten Kingdoms period and Five Dynasties. This dynasty was established by the Li family who snatched headship at the decline and collapse of the Sui Empire. Genuinely, this dynasty was briefly interrupted during the time Wu Zetian grabbed the throne, thus proclaiming the Second Zhuo dynasty that existed in between 690-705 and appearing as the single Chinese empress regnant. However, this dynasty was confirmed to bring about various political, social and economic changes during its reign (Harry Rothschild, Alon & Fetscherin, 2012).

In political view, the Tang emperor was proved to expand Chinese territories and this expansion happened in Korea, Tibet and Mongolia. Tang emperors also broadened the Confucian bureaucracy as well as its meritocratic system of exams’ entrance. Generally, Tang leaders managed to sustain the capital within Chang’an, where two million residents were viewed as the global largest city during that reign. Tang emperors also instigated the Chinese census for the first time and employed what they studied to gather more taxes from the Chinese people.  On the economical observation, the Tang is confirmed as time of great modernism.  For example, the letters of paper and credit money managed to mature, leading to booming trade beside Indian Ocean Sea and Silk Roads. To be specific, the artisans generated silk, porcelain and other goods for export. Moreover, the Grand Canal also improved thereby chancing more substantial domestic trade within China (Robbins, 2009).

Socially, the Tang Dynasty proceeded with various elements of initial Chinese traditional practices. In particular, the society sustained extremely patriarchal and hierarchical geared by widespread of Confucian attitudes. Exemplarily, the upper-class ladies indicated some lessening of patriarchy, hence being able to inherit substances and being subjected to fewer restrictions outside the homestead. Originally, Buddhism continued to spread at the Tang dynasty era and it was favoured by immense early Tang emperors such as Empress Wu. In confirmatory, the Longman Grottoes are example of famous Buddhist monumental architecture established by Tang leaders during their era (Peng, 2004).

Major Changes in Political Structures, Social and Economic Life During The Sui Dynasty

The Sui Dynasty was confirmed to start from 518 BC and ended in 618 BC, where it lasted for 38 years and the reigning was done by only three emperors. Through a tyrannical second emperor (Emperor Yang), this empire was basically compared to the Qin Dynasty that occurred in between 221 BC to 206 BC. During this ruling the entire nation was reunified and particular political, social and economic advances were attained due to effectual leadership traits endowed by Sui Dynasty (Peng, 2004). However, at the completion of Southern and Northern Dynasties (386 – 589), the entire nation has experienced a long juncture of division. For instance, people who had enduring sufferings of battle were yearning for the unification though neither of the above dynasties realized these objectives (Crozier, 2002).

Generally, the unification of the nation was confirmed to facilitate stability and peaceful coexistence and this encouraged political, social and economical growth. To be specific, in economic view, the agriculture was confirmed to heighten greatly hence promoting the yield of crops. In connection to this, the skills industry also managed to obtain some achievements where shipbuilding technology reached to a higher point. Moreover, the commerce within Luoyang became fairly prosperous thus leading to development of national economy as well as some policies’ series including Zutiao system and Juntin system started to be conducted (Peng, 2004).

On the other hand, there were also diverse changes in political field. Foremost, a new political system consisted of Three Departments and Six Ministries was instigated in the first history if Chinese government.  Moreover, the initial Jiupin Zhongzheng Hierarchical System was replaced with the Imperial Examination System, which linked studying and talking of evaluations and achievement of an official rank. Additionally, this also led to some social changes where the peaceful coexistence was confirmed to increase between the communities and this was enhanced by existence of effectual and effective communication systems in the entire country (Robbins, 2009).

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