
Disparate Impact

What is “Disparate Impact”? Laws against discrimination not only covers intentional acts by a particular party but also actions that are not premediated to discriminate but have the effect of doing so.When an employer’s action results in a discriminatory effect, this is referred to as a disparate impact. It can also be described as the […]


Reflection on Personal Writing Process

Writing is an essential medium of communication that depicts one’s emotion and language through symbols and signs. Through writing, one is in a position to express ideas and make them known to others. The process of writing a given piece of work could differ from that of putting across another work based on various factors.


Personality Assessment, Its Various Kinds, Their Reliability, Validity, and Ethics

Introduction Personality psychology investigates on the difference across people and how the personal differences mold society structures and people lives. Personality is simply a multifaceted system which can be theorized at various different analysis levels. Personality according to Weiner and Greene (2011) is simplified by splitting it into four related but conceptually unique categories. Differences


Abandoned Heart Homicide and Involuntary Manslaughter Essay

Definitions – Abandoned Heart Homicide and Involuntary Manslaughter Abandoned heart homicide also known as depraved heart murder refers to murder that happens as a result of a dangerous action and with proof that the perpetrator contains a depraved mind and has no respect for human life. It refers to a killing which results from a high


Forensic Testing

Forensic testing deals with the use of technology in analysis samples collected from the crime scenes to identify people and get evidence to be used in court. It is predominantly concerned with the testing for identity (Butler, 2005). Forensic testing is thus the DNA testing that is done for solving criminal cases. Forensic testing should


Personal vs Professional Ethics in Information Security

Assignment Instructions Write a paper of approximately 750 words on Information security addressing both personal and professional ethical issues. Include the following in your paper: Ethical issues evident in the topic chosen Effects on one’s personal and professional ethics Evident resolution strategies that address the ethical dilemma(s) Recommendations on changes that you would propose in


Checklists and Rating Scales – Methods Of Measuring Personality

Checklist and rating scale are two assessment tools that can be used to assess individual personality. Checklist provides a sheet with various personality descriptions where the client marks the phrase that describes them best. Rating scale on the other hard gives an individual a chance to rate their personality based on described aspect. Each aspect

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