Personal Plan/Idea Regarding My Journey Toward Adulthood

Reflective Assignment Instructions

Write a reflection plan that will describe a personal plan, or an idea of a plan, about your personal journey toward adulthood. Must underline the concept of positive aging, one reference from the selective optimization
with Compensation Model of Aging, and one reflection about the stereotypes about age ageism that you may hold.

Sample Answer

Reflective assignment

This paper presents a plan that describes a personal plan, or an idea regarding my journey toward adulthood. It is essential to note that many young women and men encounter a lot of development related challenges during their transition from adolescence into adulthood. This transition period is usually marked as a time for adopting new ways that can help increase their comprehension about self. New ways are also essential for helping them have a friendly relation with the people and the surrounding world so that they can try and establish new and beneficial identities (Brown, 2012). At a personal level, I consider college years as a period that calls for a lot of experimentation, probing and tentative commitments, that sometimes comes with rebellion in order to create a platform for emergence of a new and progressive identity. Going through high school then, later through college is considered beneficial since it helps in opening up the intellectual capacity of the participants and thus enable them have a better focus on the future that entails their adulthood.

Read also Developmental Tasks I Accomplished During the Transitional Stage of Early Adulthood 

In this regard, college experience is relevant in my plan about my personal journey toward adulthood. Some of the benefits that I can receive from college that can be of great benefit in my personal journey are the spiritual, moral, social and intellectual standards that can help me acquire the skills and the knowledge for critical interpretation and comprehension of the world. In this manner, I will have increased capacity to respect my liberty to discern the manner in which such standards should be incorporated in the process of making decisions that affect my own life. This means that the forms of knowing that I had during my childhood will no longer be useful I emerge into adulthood since the authority of teachers and parents will continue fading in the process of own decision making thus prompting me to take mature stands (Brown, 2012). In my plan, it will be essential to consider certain questions that will enhance effective transition into adulthood. Some of the questions that will be considered are: do I need any training or college education in order to be better prepared for adulthood? Do I have the desire to go directly to work? Do I have any skills that will help me achieve my dreams? And, finally, should I continue staying home or should I proceed and go live in a different place? Having asked myself these questions and development satisfactory answers to them, I know that I will be better prepared for the future.

According to Goldsmith (2014), different people do travel different roads in order to succeed in their journey toward adulthood based on the consideration that aging is an exciting experience that brings different perception to people. Therefore, as part of my plan to have successful journey toward adulthood, I will essentially involve in various activities at the community level in order to be become well prepared for adulthood. These activities include participating in different events at the community level; finding work, or volunteer opportunities; encouraging leisure activities and hobbies; exploring transportation options that are independent; and establishing a sense of community involvement, pride and spirit. In my plan, I will also include transition activities that will help me establish a sense of maturity that I expect to experience during my adulthood. In this case, I will identify my dreams and hopes so that I discover the way I would want my future to appear. Through identifying abilities and strengths, I will know the things that I am good at and be able to correct my weaknesses. In regard to development of a plan for my future, I will identify special needs or any areas of disability that may have effects on my future. I this regard, it will be essential for me to identify individuals: teachers or mature students who can work with me in developing a transition plan toward adulthood. Inclusion of goals in my plan is very essential (Goldsmith, 2014). These goals will be influenced by my abilities, skills, dreams and hopes. As part of my journey toward a successful adulthood, I will ensure that I maintain proper health. Therefore, some of the activities that will enable me stay healthy are: maintaining the right diet, regular exercise to control my weight, staying busy, never smoking cigarettes, wearing seat belts, and having the right friends around me.

In regard to the concept of positive aging, it will be essential to consider that aging is a complex and, at the same time, a multidimensional process. Different people do undergo different transitions in their life, which influences their health, social networks, and economic and community participation (Clark, 2014). Consideration of positive aging is essential in the sense that it aims at maximizing the well-being and the life quality of adults as well as well as senior citizens. This concept call for need to view ageing citizens as relevant people who can make immense contributions to a diversity of experiences, knowledge and skills both at the family and community level. In this case, seniors will need an age-friendly environment that has programs that can help them satisfy their interests and needs. In my plan, therefore, I will consider various essential factors that positive aging associates with. They include: active participation in regard to community, social and economic aspects of life; supportive and safe community or environment to work and live in; appropriate mental and physical health, and capacity to be functional; presence of enough support and services; and financial security. It will, also, be essential to eliminate barriers to positive aging such as ageism in order to have a successful adulthood.

It is essential to note that selective optimization with compensation model or theory (SOS) cover the entire processes that influence successful development, adaptation and effective functioning. In this case, Clark (2014) emphasizes the need to make choices that prioritizes significant goals either on the basis of resource losses or personal preferences. Optimization, in this context, implies an individual making additional resources in order to be able to attain his or her goals. Compensation, on the other hand, entails replacement of the approaches that do not add value to achieving goals with the ones that are more effective. In regard to SOC-model, it is clear that resources scarce, which makes it impossible to pursue every idea or goal. Therefore, in my plan toward adulthood, I will only choose and commit to goals that are crucial for development. This means that there will be need to embrace the concept of elective selection while making such goals. Besides, in order to achieve my personal goal of successful transition into adulthood, I will need to utilize the available resources in a sparing manner.

In regard to stereotypes about age and ageism, it is essential to note that there is common tendency, especially within policy structure, to assign certain roles purely on the basis of age. According to Goldsmith (2014), there are various stereotypes and assumptions that are associated with ageism. Some of the bases of such stereotypes is the idea of fluid intelligence, which entails the capacity to utilize logic in a novel manner. It is based on considerations such as this one that the policy structure finds it necessary for people above the age of 50 years to retire so that they can allow young people to take up their positions. For example, considering a new set of the problem for both an older person and a young person. In solving the problem, an older person may draw from the experiences that were in the past while the young person will approach the issue the way it is and solve it using the concepts that are present in the mind.

In conclusion, it is essential to note that many young women and men encounter a lot of development related challenges during their transition from adolescence into adulthood. In this regard, college experience is relevant in my plan about my personal journey toward adulthood. Some of the benefits that I can receive from college that can be of great benefit in my personal journey are the spiritual, moral, social and intellectual standards that can help me acquire the skills and the knowledge for critical interpretation and comprehension of the world.

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