Recruitment, Staffing, Talent Management and HR Issues To Consider Before Implementing a Strategic Recruitment Process

Recruitments refers to a process  that is being used by the human resource management  in obtaining qualified staff  to work in the organization, the platform gives an organization an avenue of sourcing a pool of  potential  job seekers, the success of the recruitment process  entirely depends on the  strategies used by the human resource management. The recruitment policy in an organization must be utilized to satisfy the procedural and transparency needed in accordance with the human resource code of conduct.

The recruitment process  involves the development of policies   which helps in determining the future  and  sustainability  human resource  requirements ,the  recruitment  strategy  being  determined by the human resource management   can be conducted  effectively ,here, successful recruitment  process considers   number of factors before its  implementation.(Braddy & Kroustalis,2006).

Factors Considered in Implementation of  Strategic Recruitment process

The success of the recruitment process depends on the ability of an organization to use appropriate policy framework, the main goal for initiating this is to efficiently and effectively create an organization which is both    universal in hiring individuals   with the prerequisite qualifications, it makes an organization to grow and progress in the service delivery, in addition human resource management should factor it so that the delivery system of the organization smooth.

E-recruitment is another issue to be considered   in the recruitment strategic plan when sourcing for employees in an organization, the management should consider the nature of the work that is being advertised, in this aspect, the use of internet is   a global technology that has been embraced in almost all areas, however, in using this the manager should critically analyze in situations where the need a pool of applicants who are cop muter literate.

Moreover, the other issue to be considered in the strategic recruitment before is implementation is  the job description ,here, the plan should  show the task that  are required by the applicants, this will enable the job seekers to  determine their capability whether they can accept the  nature and the conditions of the job, the description outlines  the hours of the work  required in the organization, this  fully forms a basis of understanding the  nature of the work, prior to advertisement , this written  duties and the responsibilities  will determine the  expectation of the employee before applying .

In strategic recruitment process, the competencies of an individual and the organization culture should also be considered, here, the   culture of the organization determines the  success  and plans of the organization. It is  a common factor  that  human resource manager considers before its implementation ,this helps the employees avoid the culture shock when they are fully employed, the value, believes and the general attitude must be clearly outlined  so as to make the employees conform to the  expectations ,the employees therefore  will develop attitude that a will bring    change in  an organization, this is  an aggressive factor   geared  toward the growth of the organization

According to Zheng & Sharan,(2010),External outsourcing of  employees is also a factor, it   can be used in scenarios  where he  manager needs  variety of  applicants who qualify for the position, the use of  journals ,magazines and   newspaper  to advertise the position validates the process, job assessment  or analysis  can be further  done to determine the evaluation process of an individual performance ,it is  done to determine the  worth of  the  employees. It is one of the factor that has been viewed as significant in bringing new talents to the organization, however, external recruitment should be critically analyzed since it decreases promotion in an organization and the general knowledge, marginal returns will bring sabotage to the   productivity level, thus those who are recruited outside most often lack the firm specific knowledge than the insiders

Furthermore, the level of performance in organization demands depend on a well planned   strategy to attract more applicants, (Kulkarni,2012).  there is need to    identify the positions  needed  to be filled in the  organization, this vacancies clearly outlines the  requirements  of the candidate. This process hence will fasten the interviewing process because the applicants’ best suits the advertised position.

Also consider the parameters that will be used to appraise the employee, it will enable the human resource among them to evaluate the performance, this s exercise will motivate employees since rewards are given to employees   who have done the extra ordinary performances.

Apart from relying on the  available source the human resource manager might  prefer to outsource the employees from the  firm who do the outsourcing of employees, this swill help  the organization  in creating a suitable  pool  of applicants outside the  vicinity, here, outsourcing firms   do employ  people on behave of the organization  thus this platform cohesively develops a n environment of diverse skills which lead to innovations, at the end the firm will charge some fee for the service.

In conclusion, before any implementation of the recruitment strategy, the human resource in an organization should establish proper strategies that will ensure there is perfect utilization of the workforce in an organization this project should d be prioritized to ensure the entire process is well utilized.

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