
Explore our extensive academic resources on communication. From research papers to practical guides, find everything you need to excel in the field of communication.


Communications and Media – Internet

Since the internet was devised, almost everyone has enjoyed the merits that come along with it. From social networking to formal communication, it has seen the integration of almost all sectors in the world economies, businesses and institutions. I particularly utilize the internet in various ways. For instance, in my academic endeavors, I am able


Managers With Technical Background Vs Managers With Strong Leadership and Communications Skills

Many projects are tasks with producing highly technical deliverables. With this in mind, should project managers be selected for the role based upon their technical background?  Or, is it preferred for project managers to have strong leadership and communications skills—regardless of what deliverables the project produces? The success of any project is highly determined by


What is Polarization of Communications In Project Management

Polarization deals with the communication where people who had been neutral all choose sides and continue to be extreme in the viewpoints while at the same time holding their positions and moving further part whereby they take very different viewpoints that show many oppositions between them. The people in this do not agree on any


MGT630 – The Nine Principles of Sustainability Performance – Allot Communications

Introduction Allot Communication deals with communication and networking and is a company situated in Israel. It is a fast growing company that has spread abroad having many branches internationally and deals in providing communication and network services. The company  mostly deals with the empowerment of networks and helping companies to optimize and monetize their networks


Personal Worldview and Its Effect on Intercultural Communication

Part 1- Christian Worldview Worldviews are different because people are different. Therefore, two people may be looking at the same time but having different opinions about the same thing. Christians are all taught about God and the way they should carry themselves especially in their daily living where they should live as Christ lived. As such,


Public Communication Programs, Processes, Systems, Efforts, and Plans

Introduction There are many processes, efforts and various communicational procedures that take place for the purpose of public education. Many processes help in the communication of various risks that affect the public. The risk communicators, therefore, had to go through various efforts like ensuring that the languages used are appropriate and are not imposing to


Comparative analysis of integrated marketing communications mix strategy – Sainsbury vs. Tesco

Do a comparative analysis of integrated marketing communications mix strategy for Retailers: Sainsbury vs. Tesco Imagine that you are appointed as International Strategic Brand Manager for a mobile service provider of your choice such as Tesco . Given Sainsbury’s popularity within certain consumer groups it is one of your major competitors. Your company assigned you

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