
Discover a wealth of marketing academic resources, including articles, case studies, and research papers, to enhance your knowledge and skills in the field.


Sales and Marketing as a Novel Type of Management Information System

Many technological pundits still hail the Information Age as the most significant leap ever made by humanity. For the first time since the Industrial Age, technological innovations were developed en masse by various developers with the primary aim of completely transforming the manner in which interactions occurred amongst people. Many nascent entrepreneurs also viewed this […]


Developing An E-Marketing Plan for a Small to Medium Sized Enterprise

Assignment Instructions E-marketing strategy is the design of marketing strategy that capitalises on the organisations electronic or information technology capabilities to reach specified objectives. In essence, e-marketing strategy is where technology strategy and marketing strategy wed.” Your task for this assessment is to put some of the training from this course into action. Your marketing


Electronic Medical Records – Communication Modality Used in Healthcare Marketing

There are a variety of communication modalities available to health care consumers and health care providers. These modalities and venues of communication may entail benefits and challenges to both consumers and providers. One communication modality used for marketing in health care is Electronic Medical Records. This paper paper about Electronic Medical Records, a communication modality


New City Home Care Marketing Plan

Assignment Instructions You currently work as a marketing coordinator for New City Home Care, a private home health company that offers nursing care and therapy services to the elderly residents of a medium-sized Midwestern city with a population of about 55,000 people. The neighboring town, about 10 miles away, has a much smaller population, but


A Viable Social Media Strategy And Marketing Research Tool Help Understand The Target Market For A Health Care Organization

Assignment Instructions Both social media and the Internet have changed the way that health care organizations market to their target populations. Complete the following: You have been asked by the chief executive officer (CEO) of a local health care organization in your city or town to create a viable social media strategy for the target

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