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Key Stakeholders in The Nursing and Residential Care

The Nursing and Residential Care I work in the health care services and facilities sector of the health care industry. The industry is composed of many subsectors, including hospitals, nursing and residential care facilities, ambulatory health services, and medical practitioners and healthcare professionals. Notably, I work in the nursing and residential care facilities subsector. The […]


Provision of Nursing Preceptorship for Newly Qualified Nurses

 Provision of preceptorship for newly qualified nurses This policy has been developed by the organization towards providing a commitment in supporting a period of preceptorship for the entire health professionals, including the newly qualified nurses. Provision of support for the newly qualified health professionals through preceptorship is a policy that has been widely advocated as


Personal Communication Devices Use In Nursing Practice

How can the use of the nurse’s personal communication device(s) impact patient care positively and/or negatively? Research performed by Alverina University to determine personal communication devices found that in one colossal hospital corporation situated in the U.S. indicated that about 54 percent of nurses preferred their smartphone to handle clinical duties to any other communication


Transformational Leadership in Nursing

Modern healthcare organizations face changes that necessitate increasingly adaptive and accommodating leadership. This type of leadership is called “transformational” as it seeks to create an environments of shared responsibilities that affect the knowledge that a professional possesses. Precisely, transformational leadership theory is a process in which “leaders and followers raise one another to higher levels


Legal and Ethical Aspects in Nursing Practice

Ethical and moral values are of the upmost importance in healthcare delivery. Healthcare professionals need ethics as they must identify dilemmas in healthcare, and make good decisions based on their personal values and the governing laws (Nieswiadomy, & Bailey, 2018). For nurses who deal with ethical dilemmas every day, the foundation of their practice is


Problems Affecting Nursing Intervention Studies

Nursing interventions studies are aimed at knowing whether an intervention is effective, to whom it is best effective, the benefits of the intervention as well as the expected outcomes of an intervention. Nursing interventions must be designed in a way that seeks to support and improve the lives of patients and their family members. Over


Personal Definitions of Nursing Meta-Paradigm Concepts

Write your own definition for each concept of the meta-paradigm of nursing. Which concept would you add to the meta-paradigm of nursing and why? Which concept would you eliminate and why? Definitions of the Concepts of the Nursing Meta-Paradigm The person is a component of the meta-paradigm that focuses on the person receiving treatment from


A Critique of Nursing Article about Quality Improvement Intervention to Prevent Patient Falls

Morgan, L., Flynn, L., Robertson, E., New, S., Forde-Johnston, C., & McCulloch, P. (2016). Intentional rounding: A staff-led quality improvement intervention in the prevention of patient falls. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(1-2), 115-124. Critique for Research Problem, Research Questions, and Hypotheses             The research study was designed to solve nursing problem of patient falls, which is easy

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