Use Of Informatics and The Access To, Cost Of, Quality Of, And Coverage of Health Care

Within the past decade, informatics has increasingly become a common fixture in the overall provision of healthcare and related services. Pundits have even gone as far as asserting that an elaborate relationship now exists between the overall application of informatics and access to cost, quality, and coverage of healthcare (Hoyt & Yoshihashi, 2016). Informatics has been known to consider factors such as the high cost of care, especially in the United State, before the implementation of the most appropriate treatment options.

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For instance, informatics in healthcare is currently responsible for the wide-scale implementation of patient-centered care by improving systems with the primary aim of boosting efficiency.  It is also worth noting that the subsequent quality of care often improved after the adoption of this particular approach. This is mainly due to the fact that the respect of individual patients, their needs, and preference now take precedence to improve their experience with a specified healthcare provider.

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Additionally, the quality of such care is also improved by considering patients as a significant part of the healing process and promoting its subsequent application. Monitoring patents for posterity, therefore, eventually becomes the norm; prompting truth, individualization, dignity and respecting their preferences within a clinical environment (Wang & Stiglic, 2015).

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Health informatics, thus, plays a central role in the adoption of fresh approaches on how best to serve patients by reducing bureaucracy and cultivating constructive doctor-patient relationships. Additionally, this universe of data promotes the coverage of healthcare by integrating patient’s information into a database of pertinent electronic records. The presence of electronic health records (EHR) also promotes efficiency within a relatively complex system while promoting patient safety and the application of evidence-based solutions during implementation.

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