Role Of Client’s Agenda and Goals In The Coaching Process

What role should the client’s agenda and goals play in the coaching process. How do the coach’s listening skills influence successful outcomes?

In the coaching process, the goals of the client should focus on ensuring that he or she undergoes the coaching effectively. Coaching is a process that involves the input of both the coach and the client in understanding one another (Brewer, 124). Coaches are an important part of the coaching process and especially in dealing with the various issues, a client is passing through. Clients in setting goals and their agenda have the important role of actively participating and even contributing to the solution of their situation by taking heed to the coach’s remarks (Riddle, 2008). Such an active participation further encourages the coach to take the client seriously and further provide help in dealing with the situation the client is passing through. A client in this case should ensure that he or she sets goals that are feasible with the help of the coach.

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The coach usually has the prerogative of directing the client towards achieving success in his or her daily life. For the coach to do this concrete information form the client should be provide to the coach to ensure that he or she has enough information on which to work with (Cloud, 109). As such, the verbalisation of the problem or difficulty should be put in clear terms to give the coach an easy time in tackling the matter. The client should therefore have an open mind especially when engaging in the various meeting with the coach. Clients in such an instance have to develop a dynamic character where they are able to adapt to the changes proposed by the coach. Clients should therefore be receptive to the coaches and set goals in accordance with their objectives. Setting goals helps clients determine whether the coaching has contributed to their wellbeing in terms of giving them an opportunity to change their life for the better.

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Listening is an important part of the coaching process (Harvey, 54). Coaches in such a regard usually aim to get the most information out of their clients to find out if there are any possible ways of assisting the client. Listening as a result is an important attribute that every coach should have to deal effectively with various clients. Listening is important since it helps the coach to understand the client better especially with regard to the various areas that need to be tackled to help the client cope better with his or her situations. The coach can thus get important information from the client as he or she concentrates and especially in taking notes that will help in studying the problem of the client (O’Brien, 2005).

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Coaches usually act on information the client in helping people and therefore in directing someone towards doing something it is important that the coach get enough information that will help him to deal with the situation. Clients in this regard should focus on communicating their situations in a clear and concise manner to ensure that no misunderstandings arise and to enable the coach to take the best approach in dealing with the situation at hand (Passmore, 11). It is thus important for both the client and coach to focus their efforts in understanding each other for there to be an effective mechanism for a successful coaching.

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Clients therefore should provide enough information that will help coaches to deal with their various situations. Coaches on the other hand should have great listening skills to ensure they gather enough information to deal with the situation at hand.

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